How to remove 'IIS' service from my Exchange 2016 CU13 certificate 'WMSVC-SHA2". I have just did a fresh installation of Exchange 2016 CU13. From my understanding this certificate should not be assigned to any services. I am unable to uncheck 'IIS' when attempting to do so via EAC -...
I'm trying to remove services assigned to a certificate without removing the certificate from the server. I have tried the "Remove-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint <cert_thumbprint> -Services "None" -Verbose" and then restarted IIS (Just to make sure). This hasn't worked. Any assistance here,...
Remove-ExchangeCertificate [[-Identity] <ExchangeCertificateIdParameter>] [-Confirm] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 不能删除正在使用的证书。 如果想用另一个有相同完全限定域名 (FQDN) 的证书替换服务器的默认证书,则必须首先创建新证书,然后删除旧证书。 为传输层安...
Get-SettingOverride|Where-Object{($_.SectionName-eq"ECCCertificateSupport")-and($_.Parameters-eq"Enabled=true")} |Remove-SettingOverrideGet-ExchangeDiagnosticInfo-ProcessMicrosoft.Exchange.Directory.TopologyService-ComponentVariantConfiguration-ArgumentRefreshRestart-Service-NameW3SVC, WAS-Force ...
Remove-ExchangeCertificate Export-ExchangeCertificate Enable-ExchangeCertificate 映射到Thumbprint属性的 X.509 证书扩展名也是Thumbprint。 返回顶部 证书信任和验证 若要使用证书进行身份验证,必须验证并信任该证书。 若要验证给定的 X.509 证书,必须信任颁发证书的根 CA。根 CA 是最受信任的 CA。该 CA 在 CA 的...
New-ServicePrincipal New-SettingOverride Remove-ApplicationAccessPolicy Remove-AuthenticationPolicy Remove-AuthServer Remove-PartnerApplication Remove-ServicePrincipal Remove-SettingOverride Set-AccessToCustomerDataRequest Set-ApplicationAccessPolicy Set-AuthConfig Set-AuthenticationPolicy Set-AuthServer Set-CmdletExtensi...
我們已重新發行 2023 年 8 月 8 日 Exchange Server 2019 和 2016 的安全性更新 (SU),以解決導致非英文作業系統 (OS) 安裝失敗的當地語系化問題。 For download links, see the "How to get and install the update" section. 如需...
如果是帐户林中的用户,安装此安全更新可能无法在多林拓扑的 Exchange 部署中使用 Outlook 网页版来更改其过期的密码(Account-Resource 或 Resource-Resource)。 有关详细信息,请参阅安装 2023 年 8 月 SU 后,帐户林中的用户无法在 OWA 中...
Start Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC). Expand the domain and verify that the Organizational Unit (OU)Microsoft Exchange Security GroupsandMicrosoft Exchange System Objectsare present. We can remove it from here or from ADSI Edit. We are going to use ADSI Edit. ...
Self-signed certificates:Self-signed certificates are signed by the device or service itself. Exchange Server 2007 and later create a self-signed certificate during Exchange setup.By default, self-signed certificates are not trusted by anyone but the device/service that creates it.Most browsers alert...