Yearly average rates US dollar historical exchange rate Singapore dollar historical exchange rate New Zealand dollar historical exchange rate Monthly average rates Hong Kong dollar historical exchange rate Exchange rate seasonality Euro historical exchange rate...
In 2023, the average exchange rate from Chinese renminbi to Singapore dollar amounted to approximately 0.19, meaning that one Chinese renminbi could buy 0.19 Singapore dollar.
Average 7.599 7.568 7.587 7.75 7.568 Volatility 0.75% 3.05% 3.03% 6.82% 3.05%What is the Euro worth against the Chinese Yuan Renminbi (RMB) today? 1 EUR is worth 7.631 CNY today How much is 28,000 EUR worth in CNY? At the current exchange rate of 7.631 , a sum of 28,000 Euro is...
In 2024, one Swiss franc (CHF) was worth an average of 1,549.06 South Korean won, an increase from the previous year.
dollars using market exchange rates (yearly average). Exchange rate projections are provided by country economists for the group of other emerging market and developing countries. Exchanges rates for advanced economies are established in the WEO assumptions for each WEO exercise. Expenditure-based GDP ...
Average 1.98 1.981 1.982 1.946 1.981 Volatility 1.42% 2.65% 5.03% 6.98% 2.65%What is the Pound Sterling worth against the Australian Dollar today? 1 GBP is worth 1.981 AUD today How much is 1,000 GBP worth in AUD? At the current exchange rate of 1.981 , a sum of 1,000 Pound Sterling...
From USD To VUV Frequency Daily Monthly Yearly Reporting period 6 months Retrieve data Back to top USD to VUV historical rates Date 1 USD= Average 0 Exchange rates are unavailable on weekends as forex markets are closed Get started
Database: exchange rates.Provides information on exchange rates of the Middle East countries as of 2003. Characteristic of exchange rates of Gulf states; Forecast of yearly average of exchange rates of Middle East countries for the year 2004; Potential hazards of a floating rate in Turkey....
“Big Mac Index.” In July 2022, the average U.S. price of a Big Mac was $5.15. In the Eurozone, Big Macs ran €4.65. The prevailing exchange rate was 0.98 euros per dollar. But the relative prices indicated an exchange rate of 0.9, suggesting undervaluation of the euro against the...
a过去 15 年,中国经济年均增长9.6%。按市场汇率计算,人均GDP 从1995 年的600 美元跃升到今年约4000 美元。按照世界银行 In the past 15 years, the Chinese economical yearly average grew 9.6%.According to the market exchange rate computation, average per person GDP jumps from 1995 600 US dollars to...