The Finnish currency, markka, in common with a number of other European currencies, was volatile at the beginning of the 1990s, but membership of the exchange-rate mechanism from October 1996 brought stability against the core European currencies....
exchange rate changes, on cash held Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period Six months ended 30 June 2023 HK$'000 (Unaudited) 2022 HK$'000 (Unaudited) (137,106) (13,719) (2,699) (153,524) (226,195) (2,129) (7,937) (236,261) (92,679) (25,575) 27,376 (90,878...
An anti-reflection coating having the layer structure shown in Table 2 was formed in the same manner as in Example 1. TABLE 2 Refractive Optical No. Material Index Thickness (nm) Substrate LF5 1.584 — First Layer Al2O3 1.650 200.0 Second Layer Ta2O5 + Y2O3 + Pr6O11 2.050 50.0 Third...
(1) 3.673 4.715 4.368 5.545 5.995 7.335 As can be seen from the table, the calculated F-statistic of 14.576 exceeds the upper bounds, this supports the existence of level relationships between real exports, real foreign income, real effective exchange rate and exchange rate volatility in the ...
A total of 600 questionnaires were distributed to full-time nurses, 325 questionnaires were returned, thus resulting in a response rate of 54%. 2.6.2. Measures In this study, all items were measured on a seven-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree)....
Open circuit voltage (OCV) measurements of VRFBs are considered an indirect way to confirm the rate of the vanadium ion crossover [16]. The OCV of VRFBs was monitored as a function of time after the cell had been charged to 1.6 V (Figure 7). The OCV values gradually decreased as a ...
To move between the interior of a spray droplet and the atmospheric gas reservoir, gas molecules must complete three distinct steps: (1) Gas molecules must mix between the interior surface and the deep interior of the aqueous solution droplet; time scale τaq estimates the rate of this ...
The general way to improve the internal temperature distribution uniformity was to reduce the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of the cooling medium by adjusting the coolant flow rate [17,101–103]. The waste heat removal mode of a fuel cell is mainly related to its power. ...
The point recharge in nodes 27, 28, 29, and 30, (Figure 3) is equal to the rate of the matrix diffuse recharge in one set (Set A in Table 1) while it is 500 times larger in another set of scenarios (Set B in Table 1). 4. Results and Discussion 4.1. The Effect of the ...
It has been found [146] that in Na- and Ca-clinoptilolites, the diffusion rate of N2 is much higher than the diffusion rate of CH4, resulting in excellent separation performance. Minerals 2022, 12, 1628 24 of 38 The separation kinetics for an N2/CH4 mixture depend on the cationic ...