exports by a nation lead to the buy its domestic commodities and services by the foreigners send presents or make transfers the assets of a host nation are bought by the foreigners what is foreign exchange rate? forex rate or foreign exchange rate is the cost price of one currency in terms...
But, as a rule the more rural and out the metro areas one goes, the worse the rate and less options in terms of currencies exchanged. If you pre-arrange a driver like I suggested up thread, just ask them to stop at a large supermarket (most large SMs have...
How do the non-functional, reputational aspects of money affect FX trading and, while we're on that theme, is it justified that the dollar is seemingly in perpetual crisis? It is possible to provide easy answers to these questions. xiii The Foreign Exchange Matrix Easy answers What is the ...
Returning to data collection and analysis, interviews consisted of closed and open questions, with closed questions entered immediately by fieldworkers into a database and checked later by a second researcher using the transcripts to ensure reliability. Interviews were transcribed and analysed using N...