Check today's US Dollar to Malawi Kwacha exchange rate with Western Union's currency converter. Send USD and your receiver will get MWK in minutes.
Exchange rate 1.7.2024 Malawi MWK Kwacha 1836.043 0.0005 Exchange rate 3.6.2024 Malawi MWK Kwacha 1856.274 0.0005 Exchange rate 2.5.2024 Malawi MWK Kwacha 1838.039 0.0005 Exchange rate 2.4.2024 Malawi MWK Kwacha 1843.596 0.0005 Exchange rate 1.3.2024 Malawi MWK Kwacha 1805.337 0.0006 Exchange rate 1....
Calculator to convert money in Malawian Kwacha (MWK) to and from United States Dollar (USD) using up to date exchange rates.
ZMW Zambian kwacha This currency converter will calculate the exchange rates from Malawian kwacha to world currencies. Malawian kwacha (MWK) The Malawian kwacha is the currency of Malawi. The currency code is MWK and currency symbol is MK. This is a currency exchange rate conversion calculator...
The exchange rate for amerikansk dollar til Malawiske kwachas is currently 1734.500 today, reflecting a 0.028% change since yesterday. Over the past week, the value of amerikansk dollar has remained relatively stable, with a 0.144% increase compared to its value 7 days ago.During the past week...
Welcome to the page of Malawi Kwacha (MWK) Exchange Rate (Malawi Kwacha Currency Conversion). It lists the mutual conversions between the Australian dollar and other top currencies, and also lists the exchange rates between this currency and other currencies. You are able to view the history ...
CountryAbbreviationCurrencyRate per €1ChangeReversedGraphConverter. Exchange Rates Australia AUD Dollar 1.651 0.002 0.6057 Exchange Rates Brazil BRL Real 6.3397 -0.008 0.1577 Exchange Rates Bulgaria BGN Lev 1.9558 0 0.5113 Exchange Rates Canada CAD Dollar 1.4959 0 0.6685 Exchange Rates China CNY ...
This page describes all the world currencies supported by our exchange rate API and the codes used to describe them in our responses. The "Currency Code" field you see at the start of each line below is theISO 4217 Three Letter Currency Codefor that currency. Wherever you see a currency ...
The short run equation indicates the following results: First, the domestic interest rate has a negative sign, which indicates that increases in the domestic interest rate lead to an appreciation of the Malawi Kwacha. Domestic money supply has a positive sign, which implies that reductions in ...
Monetary Model of exchange rate: empirical evidence from Malawi In this paper, we examine the monetary model of the Malawi Kwacha 鈥 U S dollar exchange rate during the current floating exchange rate system by applying ... K Simwaka - 《Ssrn Electronic Journal》 被引量: 361发表: 2004年 Acc...