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Exchange rate elasticityBilateral tradeProductivity dispersionTFPThe elasticity of exports to exchange rate fluctuations has been the subject of a large body of literature without a clear consensus emerging. Using a novel sector-level dataset based on firm level information, we show that exchange rate ...
描述 这是由美联储经济数据库(FRED)托管的美联储数据集。 数据列表 数据名称上传日期大小下载 AEXCHUS.csv2021-02-121.52KB china--u.s.-foreign-exchange-rate_metadata.json2021-02-12677.00Bytes DEXCHUS.csv2021-02-12394.73KB EXCHUS.csv2021-02-1218.25KB ...
Remote source:https://www.kaggle.com/code/robikscube/exchange-rate-data-pull-from-imf-org CSV file with the exhange rate to usd dollars of various currencies since 2004 calendar_todaydatesort dategrid_3x3chinese_yuan_to_usdsort yuangrid_3x3euro_to_usdsort eurogrid_3x3japanese_yen_to_usdsort...
DatasetData AmountNebulaGraph storaged.conf: max_subcompactionsNebulaGraph storaged.conf: disable_auto_compactionSpark: total-executor-coresSpark:executor-coresSpark:executor-memoryExchange conf : batchExchange conf: partitionduration LDBC sf100 vertex:282,386,021,edge:1,775,513,185 4 FALSE 120 10 ...
This paper uses Reuters exchange rate data to investigate the contributions to the price discovery process by individual banks in the foreign exchange market. We propose multivariate time series models as well as models in tick time to study the dynamic relations between the quotes of individual ban...
Implement the perceptron algorithm whose weight update rule is given by , where n is the learning rate parameter. Train your perceptron using the dataset in file “Data2.txt” for n in the range [0.0007, 0.0017] with a step of 0.0001. Each row in the file represents one input vector. ...
Our study examines the connectedness between oil prices and exchange rates using the exchange rate data from five oil-exporting and six oil-importing countries. The five oil-exporting nations in our study—Canada, Mexico, Russia, Brazil, and Norway—were selected for their significant roles in the...
Both asymmetries and state dependence are investigated by Fatum et al.; they find different responses of the US dollar/yen rate depending on the type of news (positive or negative), their country of origin and the phase of the cycle. The fundamentals thought to affect exchange rates vary ...
Our dataset consists of two parts. The first part contains the high-frequency data required for the calculation of realized volatility, and the second part comprises data related to implied volatility. The choice of the EUR/USD exchange rate is motivated by the notion that if short-lived ...