Analyze rate trends for any currency over a few days, weeks, months, or years. Get an automated currency feed through the Xe Currency Data API. Learn more IBAN calculator Search and validate your IBAN (International Bank Account Number) to make sure your transfer is sent to the right destina...
Our exchange rate API offers real-time, accurate, and reliable data for hundreds of currencies. Xe's proprietary rates are sourced directly from financial data providers and reputable banks. Learn more GET{"from":USD,"to":{"CAD":1.260046,"CHF":0.93305...
(Selling rate)基准价 (Middle price)发布时间 (Pub Time) 欧元(EUR)781.88781.88787.61782.092025-03-22 04:58:54 英镑(GBP)933.92933.92940.86934.012025-03-22 04:58:54 港币(HKD)93.1493.1493.5292.332025-03-22 04:58:54 日元(JPY)4.84054.84054.8784.85042025-03-22 04:58:54 ...
(Selling rate)基准价 (Middle price)发布时间 (Pub Time) 欧元(EUR)781.88781.88787.61782.092025-03-22 04:58:54 英镑(GBP)933.92933.92940.86934.012025-03-22 04:58:54 港币(HKD)93.1493.1493.5292.332025-03-22 04:58:54 日元(JPY)4.84054.84054.8784.85042025-03-22 04:58:54 ...
Usually when you search for an exchange rate online you’ll see the mid-market exchange rate. This is the rate used when banks and large institutions trade currencies on a wholesale level, but it’s not necessarily the rate you’ll get when you convert as a retail customer. To see the ...
Online currency converter. Choose from 364 world currencies by name, code, country or use smart search. Rates are updated every hour. History rates are also available.
Currency from×Chinese Yuan (CNY) Currency To×United States Dollar (USD) How much is 1 CNY in USD? Chinese Yuan to United States Dollar converter. 1 CNY is 0.138000 USD. So, you've converted1CNYto0.138000USD. We used7.246377International Currency Exchange Rate. We added the most popular ...
(Selling rate)基准价 (Middle price)发布时间 (Pub Time) 欧元(EUR)780.84780.84786.56776.892025-03-26 11:58:24 英镑(GBP)936.43936.43943.38932.222025-03-26 11:58:24 日元(JPY)4.81064.81064.84774.81292025-03-26 11:58:24 迪拉姆(AED)196.42196.42199.18196.222025-03-26 11:12:20 ...
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Analyze rate trends for any currency over a few days, weeks, months, or years. Get an automated currency feed through the Xe Currency Data API. Learn more IBAN calculator Search and validate your IBAN (International Bank Account Number) to make sure your transfer is sent to the right destina...