EAC 中的條件或例外狀況Exchange Online PowerShell 中的條件和例外狀況參數屬性類型描述 寄件者是 寄件者>是此人 寄件者 ExceptIfFromAddresses由組織中指定信箱、郵件使用者、郵件聯繫人或Microsoft 365 群組所傳送的郵件。 如需搭配此條件使用 Microsoft 365 群組的詳細資訊,請參閱屬性類型一節中的地址專案。
Maximum number of recipients added to a message by all transport rules: When a message is acted on by different transport rules, only a finite number of recipients can be added to the message. After the limit is reached, any remaining recipients aren't added to the message....
Exchange Online限制中介绍了Exchange Online限制 (包括托管应用商店限制) 。 术语 了解以下术语可帮助你理解本主题中涉及的连接类型。 会话 会话表示服务和客户端应用程序使用的连接 (例如 Microsoft Outlook) 连接到托管应用商店。 服务和客户端可以在特定时间拥有多个会话。 术语“连接”和“会话”可以互...
Exchange Online 中邮件流规则的条件和例外 属性类型 详细信息 邮件流规则(也称为传输规则)中的条件和例外可识别应用或不应用规则的邮件。 例如,如果规则向邮件添加了免责声明,则可以将规则配置为仅应用于包含特定字词的邮件、特定用户发送的邮件,或应用于除特定通讯组成员发送的邮件以外的所有邮...
Maximum number of forwardees added by mail flow rules Receiving limit Receiving limit from a single sender So, how does that affect me? External recipient rate (ERR) limit in Exchange Online In April 2024,the Exchange Team announcedthe new external recipient rate limit in Exchange Online: ...
Applies to:Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, Exchange Server 2019, Exchange Online -CompletedRequestAgeLimit The CompletedRequestAgeLimit parameter specifies how long the request will be kept after it has completed before being automatically removed. The default value of...
In Exchange 2010, you need to use this switch if you set the BadItemLimit parameter to a value of 51 or higher. Otherwise, the command will fail. Expand table Type: SwitchParameter Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters:...
In addition to using the built-in OOF functionality in their client, people sometimes use rules to create an Out of Office message while they are away. By design, Exchange Online Protection uses the high risk delivery pool (HRDP) to send OOF replies, because OOF r...
In addition to using the built-in OOF functionality in their client, people sometimes use rules to create an Out of Office message while they are away. By design, Exchange Online Protection uses the high risk delivery pool (HRDP) to send OOF replies, because OOF replies are lower-priority ...
In Exchange 2013, the viewable limit from within the EAC list view is approximately 20,000 objects for on-premises deployments and 10,000 objects in Exchange Online. In addition, paging is included so you can page to the results. In the Recipients list view, you can also configure page ...