MaxRecipientEnvelopeLimitExchange 中的值是存储收件人的组织限制的位置。 Exchange 2010 和 Exchange 2013 中的默认设置是每封邮件 5000 个收件人。 但是,此设置可以由 Exchange 管理员配置。 Exchange Online和 Microsoft 365 的组织限制为每封邮件 500 个收件人,并且无法修改此设置。 如果适用,则通过以下 ...
如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Exchange Online 限制。 MaxSendSize 依授權而有所不同。 可從信箱傳送的郵件大小上限。 這個值大約比實際訊息大小大 33%,以考慮Base64編碼。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Exchange Online 限制。 ProhibitSendQuota 依授權而有所不同。 使用者收到警告訊息,而且當信箱達到指定的大小 (必須大於...
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure or procedures. To see what permissions you need, see the "Recipients" section in theFeature permissions in Exchange Onlinetopic. For information about keyboard shortcuts that may apply to the procedures in this topic...
Exchange Online és a Microsoft 365 szervezeti korlátja üzenetenként 500 címzett, és ez a beállítás nem módosítható. Adott esetben ez az érték a következő PowerShell-paranccsal konfigurálható: PowerShellMásolás Set-TransportConfig-maxrecipientenvelopelimit: ...
Exchange Online already imposes limits on the number of messages a mailbox can receive per hour. New limits will restrict the number of messages...
ForwardeeLimitExchange 2010 Exchange 2013 Exchange OnlineDefines the limit to the number of recipients for Inbox forward/redirect actions in a 24-hour period. ConcurrentSyncCallsExchange 2019 Exchange 2016 Exchange OnlineDefines the limit to the number of concurrent sync calls (SyncFolderHierarchy, SyncF...
Recipients with user accounts (for example, user mailboxes, and mail users): The left side of the MicrosoftOnlineServicesID or UserPrincipalName parameter is used. For example, results in the Alias property value helpdesk. Recipients without user accounts (for exampl...
Recipients with user accounts (for example, user mailboxes, and mail users): The left side of the MicrosoftOnlineServicesID or UserPrincipalName parameter is used. For example, results in the Alias property value helpdesk. Recipients without user accounts (for exampl...
Also, mail routing has been improved to queue messages more directly for internal recipients. For more information, see Mail routing. Connectors: The default maximum message size for a Send connector or a Receive connector, as specified by the MaxMessageSize parameter, has been increased from ...
Today, we are announcing that we are going to remove the ability to create new Exchange Web Services apps starting September 30, 2022.