EAC 中的條件或例外狀況Exchange Online PowerShell 中的條件和例外狀況參數屬性類型描述 寄件者是 寄件者>是此人 寄件者 ExceptIfFromAddresses由組織中指定信箱、郵件使用者、郵件聯繫人或Microsoft 365 群組所傳送的郵件。 如需搭配此條件使用 Microsoft 365 群組的詳細資訊,請參閱屬性類型一節中的地址專案。
Prohibit Send: The user receives a prohibit-send notification email when the mailbox size limit is reached. The user can't send new messages until enough email is deleted to bring the mailbox below the size limit. Prohibit Send/Receive: Exchange Online rejects any incoming mail when the mail...
Set-SiteMailboxProvisioningPolicy 參數: MaxReceiveSize 對於信箱: 收件者>郵箱>編輯>信箱功能>郵件流程>郵件大小限制>檢視已接收訊息的詳細>數據 注意:此設定無法針對其他收件者類型使用 EAC 進行設定。 此收件者傳送的每個郵件收件者數目上限 無限制 Cmdlet: Set-Mailbox, Set-MailUser 參數: RecipientLimit...
Prohibit Send: The user receives a prohibit-send notification email when the mailbox size limit is reached. The user can't send new messages until enough email is deleted to bring the mailbox below the size limit. Prohibit Send/Receive: Exchange Online rejects any incoming mai...
The LargeItemLimit parameter specifies the maximum number of large items that are allowed before the request fails. A large item is a message in the source mailbox that exceeds the maximum message size that's allowed in the target mailbox. If the target mailbox doesn't have a specifically ...
Exchange Online限制中介绍了Exchange Online限制 (包括托管应用商店限制) 。 术语 了解以下术语可帮助你理解本主题中涉及的连接类型。 会话 会话表示服务和客户端应用程序使用的连接 (例如 Microsoft Outlook) 连接到托管应用商店。 服务和客户端可以在特定时间拥有多个会话。 术语“连接”和“会话”可以互...
Public folder mailbox quotaExchange Online has a limit of 100 GB per public folder mailbox and you can have up to 1000 public folder mailboxes.You can view the individual public folder mailbox quota using:Exchange Admin Center (EAC), and Exchange Online PowerShell...
A retention policy is configured in Managed Folder Assistant (MFA) to archive old messages from Exchange On-Premises mailboxes to Exchange Online. However, files that are larger than 35 MB are not moved. Resolution To fix this issue, installCumulative Update 13o...
DiscoveryMaxMailboxesExchange 2013 Exchange Online指定用户可在发现搜索中包括的最大源邮箱数量。 DiscoveryMaxMailboxesResultsOnlyExchange 2013 Exchange Online指定可在“就地 eDiscovery”搜索中搜索而无法查看统计数据的最大邮箱数量。 DiscoveryPreviewSearchResultsPageSizeExchange 2013 Exchange Online指定电子数据展示搜索...
Description:The database Storage Group Name\Mailbox Store has 565 megabytes of free space after online defragmentation has terminated. 7. 使用Eseutil 工具 (Eseutil.exe) 对邮箱存储运行脱机碎片整理。 在运行脱机碎片整理之前,您必须先卸除邮箱存储,而且必须至少有相当于数据库大小的 110% 的可用磁盘空间...