1. 动词。基本用法:(1) exchange sth 即“交换某物”。例:exchange gifts(交换礼物); exchange ideas(交换想法)(2) exchange A for B 即 “用A来换B”。例:exchange dollars for RMB(美元换人民币); exchanging labor for room and board(用劳动来换取食宿); exchange a position in...
Dostávajte upozornenia o kurzoch Čínsky jüan RMB eurá exchange rate history The exchange rate for Čínsky jüan RMB eurá is currently 0,129 today, reflecting a -0.050% change since yesterday. Over the past week, the value of Čínsky jüan RMB has remained relatively stable, with...
allowed to provide four kindsofRenminbi (RMB) services, namely,money exchange,saving, remittance and credit card, [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 自2004 年年初,香港的銀行已獲准進行兌換、存款、匯款及信用卡4 類人民幣服務,方便兩地居民跨境消費及為在香港的人民幣提供一個回流內 地的渠道。
How to transfer money in 3 easy steps 1. Create account It takes just a few minutes, and all you need is an email address. 2. Enter details Add recipient (you'll need their address, bank account/IBAN, swift/BIC) and payment information. ...
In addition, to foster the increase in the use of RMB-denominated loans, if the foreign exchange dealer is a local branch of a Chinese state-owned bank, it might be more willing to exchange local currency for RMB, especially when the industrial structure of host countries is complementary to...
United States Dollar at the exchange rate of HK$7.80 to US$1.00. The exchange movement has been kept within a narrow band. asiasat.com 港元與美元掛 ,匯率為 7.8 港元兌 1 美元,匯率波動局限於窄幅範圍內。 asiasat.com [...] conversion between US$ and RMB was based on the exchange ...
RMB102 million recorded by the Group during the Year. wqfz.com wqfz.com [...] 民幣211,000,000元,主要是由於期內隨著市場形勢的 好轉,運輸費用單價略有提高;銷售佣金約為人民幣 32,000,000元, 較 去年同期的約人民幣17,000,000元 增加約88.2%,主要是隨著本集團出口收入的增加,佣金相應增加。
liabilities denominated in RMB and Australian Dollars, the Group hadnomaterialexposure to foreignexchangefluctuations. shougang-resources.com.hk shougang-resources.com.hk 匯率波動風險 於二零一零年六月三十日,除以人民幣及澳幣為單位的資產及負債外,本集團並無 其他重大匯率波動風險。
Guo and Chen [24] found that tariff restrictions profoundly impacted the Renminbi (RMB) exchange rate fluctuations. Show abstract The Russian-Ukraine conflict is decisive in determining the course of contemporary global politics. The war has a spillover effect, with potentially considerable direct and...
RMB was based ontheexchange rateofUS$1: RMB7.76,conversionbetween US$ and HK$ was based ontheexchangerateof US$1: HK$7.80. mmg.com mmg.com 就表述而言,美元與人民幣之間的匯率乃按1美元兌人民幣 7.76 元換算,美元與港元之間的匯率乃按 1 美元兌 7.80 港元換算。