Black Market Money Exchange As you near any major bank branch in China, you might find yourself approached by currency speculators with bags full of cash. I used to avoid these people, but I’ve learned to appreciate their service. For the most part, these people spend all day speculating ...
However, I have a mobility problem and the bus stop has been moved, so I had to walk quite a ong way in pain, so next time I will ask if I can pick up at the branch near the main entrance at Victoria Station, which I have so used before and is equally good and nearer the ...
At the INWI airport kiosk, when i refused the 300 Dh eSIM , they offered me one at 200 Dh. When asked INWI gave me a free SIM card, IAM has done the same in the past. This way I can get my data in town at 1 Gig for 10 Dh (as much as you like)...