Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, Exchange Server 2019此cmdlet 仅适用于本地 Exchange。 使用Remove-ExchangeCertificate cmdlet 从 Exchange 服务器中删除现有 Exchange 证书或挂起的证书请求 (也称为证书签名请求或 CSR) 。 有关以下语法部分的参数设置的详细信息,请参阅 Exchange...
How to remove 'IIS' service from my Exchange 2016 CU13 certificate 'WMSVC-SHA2". I have just did a fresh installation of Exchange 2016 CU13. From my understanding this certificate should not be assigned to any services. I am unable to uncheck 'IIS' when attempting to do so via EAC -...
Import-ExchangeCertificate New-DataEncryptionPolicy New-ExchangeCertificate New-M365DataAtRestEncryptionPolicy New-OMEConfiguration Remove-ExchangeCertificate Remove-MailboxIRMAccess Remove-OMEConfiguration Set-DataEncryptionPolicy Set-IRMConfiguration Set-M365DataAtRestEncryptionPolicy ...
Or you can remove the old certificate in the EAC as follows: Navigate to Servers > Certificates. For each source transport server that you found in step 2: Select the server. Select the old certificate, and then delete it. Note If you don't remove the old certificate from all applicable...
SRVEX 磁碟空間目前已剩下不到 78% 的可用空間 " -smtpserver -from -Encoding Unicode J.单exchange服务停止批量启动 #查看exchange服务 Get-Service -Name "MSExch*" #显示完成的exchange名称 Get-Service -Name "MSExch*" | ft -auto...
[-InstantMessagingCertificateThumbprint <String>] [-InstantMessagingEnabled <Boolean>] [-InstantMessagingServerName <String>] [-InstantMessagingType <InstantMessagingTypeOptions>] [-IntegratedFeaturesEnabled <Boolean>] [-InternalDownloadHostName <String>] [-InternalSPMySiteHostURL <String>] [-InternalUrl...
For example, in Permissions > Admin roles, select a role from the list view, and then select this icon to create a new role group based on an existing one. Remove Remove an item from a list. For example, in the Public Folder Permissions dialog box, you can remove users from the lis...
我們已重新發行 2023 年 8 月 8 日 Exchange Server 2019 和 2016 的安全性更新 (SU),以解決導致非英文作業系統 (OS) 安裝失敗的當地語系化問題。 For download links, see the "How to get and install the update" section. 如需...
[-Server <ServerIdParameter>] [-ServiceDiscoveryFqdn <Fqdn>] [-SizeEnabled <SizeMode>] [-SuppressXAnonymousTls <Boolean>] [-TarpitInterval <EnhancedTimeSpan>] [-TlsCertificateName <SmtpX509Identifier>] [-TlsDomainCapabilities <MultiValuedProperty>] [-TransportRole <ServerRole>] [-WhatIf] [<...