若要还原 In-Place 保留设置,请执行以下步骤:在Exchange 服务器上,使用本地管理员凭据打开 Exchange 管理员中心。 如果你的组织已启用 Microsoft 365 中的Microsoft Exchange Online混合部署,请单击导航栏中的“企业”选项卡。 单击“合规性管理”,然后单击“ 就地电子数据展示 & 保留。 选择要还原 In-Place 保留...
Run theGet-Mailboxcmdlet again and note the value should not be populated. Run theRemove-MailboxSearchcmdlet for Hold1, it should be get removed. In this situation, you find the In-Place Hold attribute isn't cleared from the mailbox that's in another domain. Therefore, theRemove-Mailbox...
但是,你仍可以在 EAC 中或使用 Exchange Online PowerShell 中的Set-MailboxSearchcmdlet 来管理 In-Place 保留。 但是,从 2020 年 10 月 1 日起,你将无法管理 In-Place 保留。 你只能在 EAC 中使用Remove-MailboxSearchcmdlet 删除它们。 有关停用 In-Place 保留的详细信息,请参阅旧版电子数据展示工具的停...
从列表视图中再次选择 In-Place“保留”,然后单击“删除 。 在警告对话框中,单击“是”删除搜索。 使用命令行管理程序删除就地保留 下例首先禁用名为 Hold-CaseId012 的就地保留,然后删除邮箱搜索。 PowerShell复制 Set-MailboxSearch"Hold-CaseId012"-InPlaceHoldEnabled$falseRemove-MailboxSearch"Hold-CaseId012"...
Microsoft documentation is outdated - it refers to this feature in EAC in which it is retired, so documentation is useless. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/security-and-compliance/create-or-remove-in-place-holds I run a PowerShell to check some ids of those InPlace-Hold...
ElcProcessingDisabled 和 RetentionHoldEnabled 之间的差异 将邮箱置于保留状态会暂停该邮箱的托管文件夹助理对 MRM 保留策略的处理。 保留保留期适用于用户正在休假或暂时离开等情况。 在保留期间,用户可以登录到其邮箱并更改或删除项目。 执行邮箱搜索时,搜索结果中不会返回超过已删除邮件保留期的已删除邮件。 若要确保...
Destructive cmdlets (for example, Remove-* cmdlets) have a built-in pause that forces you to acknowledge the command before proceeding. For these cmdlets, you can skip the confirmation prompt by using this exact syntax:-Confirm:$false.
If you remove a Litigation Hold from a mailbox, but one or more In-Place Holds are still placed on the mailbox, items matching the In-Place Hold criteria are held for the period specified in the hold settings.You can use In-Place Hold to place a user on multiple holds. When a user...
Set-Mailbox [-Identity] <MailboxIdParameter> [-RemoveDelayHoldApplied] [-AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom <MultiValuedProperty>] [-AcceptMessagesOnlyFromDLMembers <MultiValuedProperty>] [-AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers <MultiValuedProperty>] [-AccountDisabled <Boolean>] [-AddressBookPolicy <AddressBookMail...
If user tries to remove from here, they're not purged but hidden from the user. Anonymous July 31, 2014 Question. Currently have users on indefinite In-Place Hold for all items. If I were to remove them from In-Place Hold and turn on Litigation Hold, would the only effe...