在[組態編輯器]頁面上,按一下區段上的下拉式清單,然後流覽至system.webServer>安全>性驗證>clientCertificateMappingAuthentication。 將已啟用 的值設定為 True,然後在 [ 動作 ] 窗格中,按一下 [ 套用]。注意:若要在命令列上執行這些程式,請在 Exchange Server 上開啟提升許可權的命令提示...
错误: 运行"$error.Clear(); Install-ExchangeCertificate -WebSiteName "Exchange Back End" -services "IIS, POP, IMAP" -DomainController $RoleDomainController -InstallInTrustedRootCAIfSelfSigned $true if ($RoleIsDatacenter -ne $true -And $RoleIsPartnerHosted -ne $true) { Install-AuthCertificate -...
在本地 Exchange 服务器上续订自签名证书 Get-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint BC37CBE2E59566BFF7D01FEAC9B6517841475F2D | New-ExchangeCertificate -Force -PrivateKeyExportable $true 1. 已生成 把没用证书删除,在IIS里把证书选上 参考自: https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/Exchange/architecture/client-access...
单击Append CA certificate。 新添加的CA证书出现在CA证书列表中。 要将CA证书替换为更新的CA证书,请针对特定颁发者和使用者: 勾选颁发者详细信息旁边的复选框。 单击删除。 附加替换证书,如前所述。 在Expressway上安装管理连接器和日历连接器,并在云上注册 ...
1. Exchange 2016 Server: Creating Your CSR with the DigiCert Utility Our Certificate Utility can streamline your CSR creation process by enabling you to generate the CSR with just one click. On your Exchange 2016 server, download/save theDigiCert® Certificate Utility for Windowsexecutable (Digi...
您可以使用 Get-ExchangeCertificate Cmdlet 來尋找指紋值。 要求是以 Base64 編碼。 輸出會顯示在螢幕上,同時也會寫入文字檔案 C:\Cert Requests\fabrikam_renewal.req。 注意:RequestFile 參數僅適用于 Exchange 2013。 若要在 Exchange 2016 或 Exchange 2019 中建立憑證授權單位單位的憑證更新要求,請參閱範例 7...
Step 2. Generate Exchange certificate request Starting from Exchange Server 2016 CU23 and later and Exchange Server 2019 CU12 and later, the only option to create the Exchange certificate is with PowerShell (Exchange Management Shell). Note:To prevent misuse of UNC paths by attackers, Microsoft ...
FederationPassiveAddress[string]$ADFSURL='https://T-ADFS-S2016.lab.local/adfs/ls/'#Get the Signing certificate Thunbprint#Execute the following on your main ADFS Server:#dir Cert:\LocalMachine\Root#Get-AdfsCertificate -Thumbprint THUMBFROMABOVE[string]$AdfsSignCertThumbprint='AAE7E1659D93983D659...
In the Specify the servers you want to apply this certificate to page, click Add On the Select a server page that opens, select the Exchange server where you want to install the certificate, and click Add - >. Repeat this step as many times as necessary. When you're finished selecting...
Add comment John Jones5Reputation points Jan 23, 2024, 12:56 AM Even though this post is old, the issue still occurs. In my case if had to do with the delay between when GoDaddy issued the certificate and when they actually placed the .crl file on their web crl site. Check for t...