一、使用如下的命令生成CSR [PS]C:\> New-ExchangeCertificate -GenerateRequest -Path c:\etsec.csr -KeySize 2048 -SubjectName "c=CN, s=Beijing, l=Beijing, o=EtsecInc., cn=www.etsec.com.cn" -PrivateKeyExportable $True 此命令只为www.etsec.com.cn 单域名生成CSR,密钥他要2048位,私钥可导出。
可以使用命令行管理程序将安全套接字层 (SSL) 证书配置为使用多个主机名称。 当您部署 Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 客户端访问服务器时,必须确保所有的客户端(如 Microsoft Office Outlook Web App 和 Office Outlook 2007)都能够使用加密的会话连接到服务,而不会接收到说明证书不受信任的错误消息。
適用版本:Exchange Server 2010 上次修改主題的時間:2010-01-12 在您安裝完 Client Access server role 之後,需要針對組織內不同的服務建立安全通訊端層 (SSL) 憑證。 必要條件 已安裝用戶端存取伺服器角色。 您想要做什麼? 使用EMC 來建立新的 Exchange 憑證 ...
Best practices are to generate a new certificate signing request (CSR) when renewing your SSL certificate. OpenStartthen go toPrograms>Microsoft Exchange 2010>Exchange Management Console. ClickManage Databases. On the Right side, click ‘Renew Exchange Certificate…’ ...
Start the Management Shell by going to Start > Programs > Microsoft Exchange 2010 > Exchange Management Shell From the Exchange Management Shell command line, type the following: New-ExchangeCertificate -GenerateRequest -KeySize 2048 -SubjectName "c=US, l=YourLocalityOrCity, s=YourStateOrProvince...
Cause 1: Most common cause of this issue is that a server admin imported the .crt/.cer/.p7b SSL Certificate files through MMC and not through the Exchange command line or IIS where the request was...
The request has been temporarily postponed due to unfavorable server health or budget limitations The server response was: 4.7.0 Temporary server error. Please try again later. PRX3 The SMTP availability of the Receive connector The SSL certificate could not be checked for revocation. ...
SSL certificate is installed and enabled for use with Exchange! Note:Often, Microsoft® Exchange 2010 will show an error message stating, "The source data is corrupted or not properly Base64 encoded when completing the Pending Request." This error is incorrect and can be ignored. If you use...
Hi, I have seen this issue a couple of times now. When I request a new SSL certificate to be used in Exchange, an official Sectigo certificate, and I want to start using it right away in Exchange I usually get the message "Certificate Revocation Check Failed". At this point the c...
尝试将 Exchange 预配到合作伙伴 STS 时出错。 详细信息:“访问 Windows Live 时出错。”详细信息:“”请求已中止:无法创建 SSL/TLS 安全通道。“.”。”。 at Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Hybrid.RemotePowershellSession.RunCommand (String cmdlet, Dictionary...