Brain MRI revealed abnormal hyperintense lesions in the pontine brain and around the mesencephalic aqueduct on T2 and T2-fluid attenuated inversion recovery (T2-FLAIR) sequences However, these lesions did not exhibit any pathological enhancement. Spinal cord MRI revealed lesions in...
It doesn’t happen often, but more serious conditions could also be the cause. They include: Wilson’s disease, a rare genetic condition caused by too much copper in your body Multiple sclerosis, a disease of thebrainand spinal cord Tourette’s syndrome, a condition that causes you to make ...
Caffeine is a stimulant. It stimulates your central nervous system—essentially the brain and spinal cord. It does this by triggering the release of adrenaline. Coffee is one of the greatest sources of caffeine and plenty of people enjoy it every day. Because caffeine stimulates the nervous syste...
ORXNA: orexin-A/hypocretin-1, spinal fluid. 2019. Available from: Accessed August 29, 2019.40. Morse AM, Sanjeev K. Narcolepsy and psychiatric disorders: comorbidities or shared pathophysiology? Med Sci (Basel). 2018;6...
Syringe pumps (Razel Scientific Instruments, Stamford, CT) dispensed ethanol or water into two stainless steel drinking cups mounted 4 cm above the grid floor in the middle of one side panel. Two retractable levers were located 4.5 cm to either side of the drinking cups. Fluid delivery and ...
Caffeine is a stimulant. It stimulates your central nervous system—essentially the brain and spinal cord. It does this by triggering the release of adrenaline. Coffee is one of the greatest sources of caffeine and plenty of people enjoy it every day. Because caffeine stimulates the nervous syste...
through the descending aorta with artificial cerebrospinal fluid and paralyzed, and recordings of phrenic nerve activity (PNA), thoracic SNA (tSNA, between T8 and T10), and perfusion pressure (equivalent of BP in this preparation) are obtained, as detailed in the Supplemental Experimental ...
Caffeine is a stimulant. It stimulates your central nervous system—essentially the brain and spinal cord. It does this by triggering the release of adrenaline. Coffee is one of the greatest sources of caffeine and plenty of people enjoy it every day. Because caffeine stimulates the nervous syste...
A spinal tap showed bacteria and white blood cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This individual most likely has what condition? A. Parkinson disease B. Alzh Some tumors of the brain, pancreas, and small intestine secrete ADH. Name the type of water imbalance that ...
Post-Traumatic Syringomyelia: A life-threatening complication following a traumatic spinal cord injury, post-traumatic syringomyelia is associated with the development and progression of a cyst filled with cerebrospinal fluid within the spinal cord. This leads to chronic pain, loss of function, respirator...