An excess secretion of saliva. Synonym(s):ptyalism,salivation,sialorrhea,sialosis. [G.sialismos] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 The production of saliva. Excessive salivation is a feature of mouth ulcers and other causes of mouth irritation,PARKINSON'S...
2.InformalTo be full of desire or eagerness for something:salivated at the idea of winning the lottery. To produce excessive salivation in. [Latinsalīvāre, salīvāt-, fromsalīva,saliva.] sal′i·va′tion(-vā′shən)n. ...
But when you suffer from excessive saliva, the idea of something being mouth-watering could leave you feeling embarrassed about your condition. Sometimes called hypersalivation, excess saliva production could provide key clues into your overall health. As it is generally the side effect of another ...
then now is the time to kick the habit. The same applies for tobacco chewing. It is largely due to the excessive salivation that occurs with chewing which leads to frequent
Your healthcare provider may prescribe you potent drugs known as anticholinergics, such as Artane (trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride) and Cogentin (benztropine mesylate) in an attempt to dry up any excess saliva you may have. Unfortunately, this class of drugs often causes side effects, includingconstipa...