“Measures of excess deaths have been used to estimate the impact of public health pandemics or disasters, particularly when there are questions about underascertainment of deaths directly attributable to a given event or cause,” the CDC explains in its latest report. Using provisional data, the ...
As of May 2023, there had been approximately 1.1 million deaths from COVID-19 in the US.1There is evidence that Republican-leaning counties have had higher COVID-19 death rates than Democratic-leaning counties and similar evidence of an association between political party affiliation and attitudes...
deaths have not been observed16. Currently, completeness of reporting during the pandemic is based on historic completeness of registered deaths relative to the WHO Global Health Estimates (GHE)17. The GHE uses multiple data sources to generate country-, age-, sex-, year- and cause-specific mor...
(O3). All of these are causes for respiratory problems and cancers for humans, while ozone causes damage to crops and other vegetation, as well as to buildings and other cultural heritage. For the European situation, models estimate that PM contributes to 300–400 thousand premature deaths ...
The reported number of deaths among PLHIV initiating N iu et al. BMC Infectious Diseases (2023) 23:186 Page 9 of 10 HAART in Luzhou, China based the national passive sur- veillance system may underestimate the actual number. The estimation of excess mortality rate and SMR in this ...
Adopting and enforcing next-generation standards (more stringent than Euro 6/VI) could nearly eliminate real-world diesel-related NOx emissions in these markets, avoiding approximately 174,000 global PM2.5- and ozone-related premature deaths in 2040. Most of these benefits can be achieved by ...
Another study in the USA defined the heatwave using daily average temperature and found that heatwave-related excess deaths will increase from 36% to 365% in 2031–2080 compared to that during 1971–2020 (Guo et al., 2018), based on various population scenarios. However, the results of ...
Assessment of short- and long-term mortality displacement in heat-related deaths in brisbane, australia, 1996–2004. Environ Health Perspect. 2015;123:766–72. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Loughnan M, Tapper N, Loughnan T. The impact of “unseasonably” warm spring temperatures...
Table 2:. Estimated excess heart disease and lung cancer deaths per 1000 per 40 years due to hospital based SHS exposure1 Discussion The levels of SHS exposure recorded in most areas of the hospital are alarming. It is evident that regulations for tobacco control are not being followed since...
New York: Oxford University Press USA. [Google Scholar] Saunders, Max. 2011. ‘All these fellows are ourselves’: Ford Madox Ford, race and Europe. In Modernism and Race. Edited by Len Platt. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, pp. 39–57. [Google Scholar] Saunders, Max. 2023. Ford Madox Ford....