在使用C++开发Android过程中采用了C++的Exception机制,因而导致NDK编译失败,抛出错误: exception handling disabled, use -fexceptions to enable 原因 此问题的出现是编译器的异常异常捕获被禁用了,需要在Android.mk文件中开启。 解决方案 在Android.mk文件中添加: LOCAL_CPPFLAGS += -fexceptions就可以了。 在Applicatio...
Add this line in build.gradle(app) android { ndkVersion "21.0.6113669" } 或者通过SDK MANAGER来下载对应的NDK 注意下载的NDK版本要和 gradel匹配。 Android Studio/Gradle 插件版本 | 为 AGP 版本指定的默认 NDK 版本 | 8.2 | 25.1.8937393 8.1 | 25.1.8937393 8.0 | 25.1.8937393 7.4 | 23.1.777962...
[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 28.0.3) • Android SDK at /Users/paul/Library/Android/sdk • Android NDK location not configured (optional; useful for native profiling support) • Platform android-28, build-tools 28.0.3 • ANDROID_HOME = /...
sigemptyset() NDK UnsatisfiedLinkError dlopen() A certain C-code in my Android NDK application, calls the sigemptyset() function defined in the signal.h. I am building my project using the NDK-r9. My library file called "libnative-service.so&q... ...
Android studio3.1之后不再带有ddms调试工具了,不过如果我们想自己手动打开还是可以的。打开步骤如下: a. window下来自sdk安装目录tools目录下:D:\java\androidSdk\tools b. 可以看到有个monitor.bat文件,双击即可打开 c. 如果是mac电脑的话类似,同样来到tools目录下有关monitor文件,打开即可。
Try to build literally any project that includes the NDK and cmake, with version 3.18.1 selected in SDK Tools within Android Studio. I'm building this application:https://github.com/omapsapp/omapsapp Information about the build process and issues that led me to this point are here: ...
sigemptyset() NDK UnsatisfiedLinkError dlopen() A certain C-code in my Android NDK application, calls the sigemptyset() function defined in the signal.h. I am building my project using the NDK-r9. My library file called "libnative-service.so&q... ...
If you are using NDK, verify the ndk.dir is set to a valid NDK directory. It is currently set to F:\android\android-ndk-r10d. If you are not using NDK, unset the NDK variable from ANDROID_NDK_HOME or local.properties to remove this warning. ...
3.1.3Gradle:4.4Android Plugin:3.1.3 在创建一个新的应用程序时,我在Android Studio上得到了这样的日志: 在19秒内配置成功 在构建时,我得到以下日志: 代码语言:javascript 复制 Executing tasks:[:app:assembleDebug]Configuration on demand is an incubating feature.WARNING:The option'android.enableAapt2'is dep...
截图 前言 使用Flutter开发Flutter教程,<-_<-有点意思! 功能 夜间模式、文字大小、文字方向、设备...