我之所以没有立即指出,是因为这是一个很容易犯的错误,尤其是习惯了.NET Exception Handling的人更容易犯这样的错误。我们知道在.NET Application中,如果出现一个未处理的Exception,程序将立即终止,后续的程序将不会执行,但是对于上面的SQL则不一样,虽然我们通过RAISERROR将Error抛出,但是SQL的指定并不会被终止,INSERT...
Exception handling in SQL Server 2000 I have a procedure that gets data from a table and inserts it into a temporary table. Then the procedure validates one by one in a while loop. For example: I have 50 rows and the first row fails. In that case, I wish that the procedure continues...
谈谈基于SQL Server 的Exception Handling[上篇] 对于所有的开发人员来说,Exception Handling是我们每天都要面对的事情。对于基于Source Code的Exception Handling,我想大家已经司空见惯了,但是对于Database级别的Exception Handling,就没有那么常见了。在这篇文章中,我将会介绍我对于基于Database编程中Exception Handling的一些...
When you use Microsoft SQL Server 2014, you may receive the following error during the exception handling: <Date> <Time> spid# Error: 9002, Severity: 17, State: 4.<Date> <Time> spid# The transaction log for da...
在这篇文章中,我将会介绍我对于基于Database编程中Exception Handling的一些粗浅的认识:在编写Stored Procedure时,如何抛出一个可预知的Exception,ADO.NET如何处理从Database抛出的Exception,如何保存基于Database Exception的Error Message,如何在Database和.NET Application之间进行消息的传递[注:这里的主要指SQL Server]。
I was recently asked how SQL Server handles exceptions in the core code of the engine. I looked around at various references and did not find a concise document. When an exception is encountered in SQL Server error details such as the following are inserted into the SQL Server error log, ...
John Papa.Data Points:SQL Server 2005 XML Support, Exception Handling and More. MSDN Magazine . 2006John Papa.Data Points:SQL Server 2005 XML Support,Exception Handling and More. MSDN Magazine . 2006John Papa.Data Points:SQL Server 2005 XML Support, Exception Handling and More. MSDN Magazine ...
The MSSQL server supports multiple result sets as output of a stored procedure. However, if an exception occurs on the SQL side after the first result set is generated, no exceptions are generated on the client side in the pymssql code. ...
By default, any error encountered in a PL/SQL program stops execution of the program. You can trap and recover from errors by using an EXCEPTION section.
Win32 or C++ exception, or by an access violation encountered during exception handling. Check the SQL error log for any related stack dumps or messages. This exception forces SQL Server to shutdown. To recover from this error, restart the server (unless SQLAgent is configured to auto restart...