**Link to GitHub repo** ### Version 10.18.0 ### What Atlas App Services are you using? Local Database only ...
>And I dont want to install VS 2008 in the target machine. please suggest anyways to debug this condition.Have a look up on using Remote Debugging.DaveThursday, August 26, 2010 8:02 AMHi sureshthi,Here is information about remote debugging. Notice that only Pro and Team editor can ...
I have been using System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient for years and have always found a solution to all trivial problems related to authentication and secure connections however it has been now weeks that I am struggling to get my a new mail server to work with the library and am failing....
(); // data for verifying condition CStringArray m_asData; CUIntArray m_anLines; // lines in files for asData entries - for detailed report DWORD m_dwFileSize; FILETIME m_ft; // last loaded file time - to catch updates BOOL LoadFile(LPCTSTR sFile, TCHAR cRem, BOOL bCaseSens);...
I have been using System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient for years and have always found a solution to all trivial problems related to authentication and secure connections however it has been now weeks that I am struggling to get my a new mail server to work with the library and am failing....