需要的jar包:commons-io-1.3.2.jar, jxl.jar, commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar, commons-logging-1.1.jar Action数据处理: public class ExtractExcelAction extends ActionSupport implements ServletRequestAware{ private HttpServletRequest request; private File theExcel; private Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(...
在一个使用FileUpload的控件上传excel,读取excel的数据 因为上传的路径一直被限定在C:\Program\IIS\Express 一直限制这个文件下, 想要解决这个问题。 在谷歌浏览器下:FileUpload.postFile.FileName一直是文件名,读取不到绝对路径。 最后使用IE浏览器就可以,百度了一圈,说,针对FileUpload这个空间,IE是可以读到绝对路径...
When uploading data, you add an Excel dataset and select a CSV file. However, the upload fails, as shown in the following figure. Cause The inherent flaw of CSV files poses a risk of information leakage, so FineBI has implemented certain restrictions on uploading CSV files. ...
3 需要类库:1 commons-io.jar 2commons-fileupload-1.3.1.jar 接下来我们看下他 ...
I had one requirement to upload excel file.In the excel file that i upload there are some columns that is hided,so is it possible for the function module to retrieve the values from that hided columns. Thanks, Arun. Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic 3 REPLIES 3 For...
38. Text file upload to internal table example 50:58 39. Excel File Upload to Internal Table 01:07:19 40. BDC Call transaction example and interview questions 01:00:22 41. BAPI and Session Method in SAP ABAP Example 59:35 42. Open SQL Statements in SAP ABAP Part 1 38:14 43...
(self, request, filename,format=None):try: file_obj = request.data['file'] file_content = file_obj.read() df = pd.read_excel(file_content, engine='openpyxl')returnResponse({'status':'success','message':'File uploaded.'})exceptExceptionase: error_message =str(e)returnResponse({'...
0 Kudos Hello, I am trying to upload Excel file odata Created odata , using this block but this way not upload the file. Using this filter: http://server:port/sap/opu/odata/sap/service_SRV/FileSet(Pernr='000000XX',FileName='Test.xlsx')/$val...You...
Solved: Hi I have been trying to find a means of uploading an Excel spreadsheet into an internal table. There are a number of posts on this topic, which suggest Function
1.上传beforeUpload时将file转成base64(bese64与本地的文件状态已经无关了),再转成file。(这是比较麻烦的,可以先问下后台能不能改,通过blob或者arraybuffer获取数据) 保存base64格式 const reader1 = new FileReader(); reader1.readAsDataURL(file);