Subject Views Written By Posted Office 365 Pro Excel won't connect to AWS MySql 1415 Walter deMilly July 20, 2018 05:58AM Re: Office 365 Pro Excel won't connect to AWS MySql 968 Javier Treviño July 25, 2018 04:51PM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed....
I am downloading a report and my dates are coming up 16/01/2020 (so dd/mm/yyyy); however, the cell is formated as GENERAL and won't sort via the date. I have tried highlighting and formating the cells to Date - English (Canada) and picked dd/mm/yyyy; however, when I try to so...
I'm predisposed to the answer of nothing can be done but you don't ask you won't know. Thanks. Register To Reply 03-28-2017, 11:36 PM #2 FDibbins Administrator Join Date 12-29-2011 Location Duncansville, PA USA MS-Off Ver Excel 7/10/13/16/365 (PC ver 2310) Posts 5...
1 //模板下载 2 handleExport() { 3 require.ensure([], () => { 4 const { export_json_to_excel } = require('@/utils/Export2Excel'); 5 console.log(this.insured); 6 let tHeader = []; 7 if (this.insured.length > 0) { 8 //从insured中提取标题 9 this.insured.forEach(item=>...
(data) === "File") { 117 if (FileReaderSync) { 118 var fr = new FileReaderSync; 119 bb.push(fr.readAsBinaryString(data)); 120 } else { 121 // async FileReader won't work as BlobBuilder is sync 122 throw new FileException("NOT_READABLE_ERR"); 123 } 124 } else if (data ...