可使用地图图表比较值,并跨地理区域显示类别。 当数据中含有地理区域(如国家/地区、省/自治区/直辖市、市/县或邮政编码)时,使用地图图表。 注意:如果你有Microsoft 365 订阅,则此功能可用。 如果你是 Microsoft 365 订阅者,请确保拥有最新版本的 Office。
When speaking with a support agent, provide as much detail as possible about the issue you are experiencing with your ExcelMap Chart. This will help the support agent diagnose the problem and provide you with a solution. Follow the instructions provided by the support agent to resolve the issue...
Create a Map chart with Data Types Map charts have gotten even easier withgeography data types. Simply input a list of geographic values, such as country, state, county, city, postal code, and so on, then select your list and go to theDatatab >Data Types>Geography. Excel will automatical...
When using Excel map charts for the Central African Republic, Excel does not recognize all areas (even if it knows the area. Accordingly, Haut-Mbomou is marked as an area but on the map, no data are ... Thanks for the quick reply. I have already tried and tried again, but the data...
Hey there, using the map chart tool and its pretty cool...however I need to do a regional (multiple states). The only way I am getting this to work is to show the entire country. Is there an option to Zoom In? All replies (2) Thursday...
Sets multiple properties of an object at the same time. You can pass either a plain object with the appropriate properties, or another API object of the same type. TypeScript set(properties: Interfaces.ChartMapOptionsUpdateData, options?: OfficeExtension.UpdateOptions):void; ...
The map chart is pretty basic in its color, but you can spruce it up with a theme or color scheme. Select the chart and click "Chart Styles" (found on the paintbrush) on the right. Click "Styles" to scroll through premade themes or "Color" to pick a colorful or monochromatic scheme...
2D Map Charts and 3D Maps are no longer available for China Excel users. When attempting to create or edit a 2D Chart or 3D Map, Excel displays the following messages: "Sorry map charts aren’t supported for your location." "We are sorry. 3D Maps cann...
Error with a chart map in excel Hello community, I'm having an issue with a map chart. I received an error message regarding a 'connection failure.' Do you know what the possible solution might be? Thank you for your time and responses!
ChartDeactivatedEventArgs ChartDeletedEventArgs ChartErrorBars ChartErrorBarsFormat ChartFill ChartFont ChartFormatString ChartGridlines ChartGridlinesFormat ChartLegend ChartLegendEntry ChartLegendEntryCollection ChartLegendFormat ChartLineFormat ChartMapOptions ChartPivotOptions ChartPlotArea ChartPlotAreaFormat Chart...