But it will cause Excel file not opening in protected view as well. So you'll need to turn this feature off.Step 1: Open Excel to click on the File tab, then go to Options.Step 2: Choose the Advanced from several tabs.Step 3: Under the Display section, disable hardware graphics ...
更新:问题找到了,是因为“protected view”模式:“当您打开在Excel中从互联网上下载的2010年工作簿,...
I am not an Excel expert but it seems that maybe there is something in the "trusted category" in either the browser or Excel. I found these links: Fix: Can't Open files in Protected View (getdroidtips.com) Excel: This File Couldn't Open in Protected View - Technipages ...
若要从 ProtectedViewWindows 集合中返回单个 ProtectedViewWindow 对象,请使用 ProtectedViewWindows (索引) ,其中 index 是要打开的窗口的索引号。还可以使用 Application 对象的 ActiveProtectedViewWindow 属性访问代表活动“受保护的视图”窗口的 ProtectedViewWindow 对象。
All other Office documents (i.e. Word and PowerPoint) opened from the same SPO site do not open in Protected View. The Protected View message is "Be careful - files from the internet can contain viruses. Unless you need to edit it, it's safe to stay in Protected View". I've got ...
访问ProtectedViewWindow对象后,使用Workbook属性访问表示在“受保护的视图”窗口中打开的工作簿文件的Workbook对象。 由于“受保护的视图”窗口旨在保护用户免受潜在恶意代码的侵害,因此通过使用ProtectedViewWindow对象返回的Workbook对象执行的操作将受到限制。 不允许的操作将返回错误。
表達 代表ProtectedViewWindow 物件的 變數。傳回值雙精確度註解如果[受保護的檢視] 視窗處於最大化狀態,則無法設定此屬性。 使用 WindowState 屬性可傳回或設定視窗的狀態。支援和意見反應有關於 Office VBA 或這份文件的問題或意見反應嗎? 如需取得支援服務並提供意見反應的相關指導,請參閱 Office VBA 支援與意見...
AppEvents_ProtectedViewWindowActivateEventHandler AppEvents_ProtectedViewWindowBeforeCloseEventHandler AppEvents_ProtectedViewWindowBeforeEditEventHandler AppEvents_ProtectedViewWindowDeactivateEventHandler AppEvents_ProtectedViewWindowOpenEventHandler AppEvents_ProtectedViewWindowResizeEventHandler AppEvents_SheetActiva...