期间数 (nper)--投资的总支付期间数。 付款(pmt)--对于一项投资或贷款的定期支付数额。 现值(pv)--在投资期初的投资或贷款的价值。例如,贷款的现值为所借入的本金数额。 利率(rate)--投资或贷款的利率或贴现率。 类型(type)--付款期间内进行支付的间隔,如在月初或月末。
IPmt(rate, per, nper, pv[, fv[, type]])IPmt 函数有下列命名参数:参数说明 rate 必要。Double 指定每一期的利率。例如,如果有一笔贷款年百分率 (APR) 为百分之十且按月付款的汽车贷款,则每一期的利率为 0.1/12,或 0.0083。per 必要。Double 指定在 nper 间范围 1 中的付款周期。nper...
Here are some financial formulas like PV, FV, PMT, RATE, and NPER, along with examples. They help with different money calculations in spreadsheets, like figuring out present or future values, payments, interest rates, and periods. 24. PV The “PV” function in Excel calculates the present ...
查尔斯-西蒙尼(Charles Simonyi)是"所见即所得(What yousee is What you get)"的发明人,这是微软赖以独霸天下的Windows系统的核心,查尔斯-西蒙尼还一手建立了微软的程序员管理体系,他在微软公司的头衔是首席建筑师(Chief Architect),是微软最高智囊团的核心。他是斯坦福大学的计算机博士,他关于"匈牙利表示法"的博士...
PMT(rate, nper, pv, [fv], [type]) PMT Function Arguments: rate: The interest rate per period. For example, if the annual interest rate is 6%, the monthly interest rate would be 6%/12 = 0.5%. nper: The total number of payment periods. For example, if the loan term is 30 years,...
The RATE function in Microsoft Excel is used to calculate the interest rate per period of an annuity. The syntax for using this function is as below: RATE(nper, pmt, pv, [fv], [type], [guess]) In the above syntax, nper, pmt, and pv arguments are required. While the fv, type, ...
RATECalculates the interest Rate.RATE(nper,pmt,pv,fv,type,guess) NPVCalculates the net present value.NPV(rate,value1,value2) IRRThe internal rate of return for a set of periodic CFs.IRR(values,guess) XIRRThe internal rate of return for a set of non-periodic CFs.XIRR(values,dates,guess)...
Guess - your guess for what the rate will be. Returns Double Remarks For a complete description of the arguments nper, pmt, pv, fv, and type, see Pv(Double, Double, Double, Object, Object). 展開資料表 0 or omitted At the end of the period 1 At the beginning of...
nper: total number of payment periods. pmt: payment made in each period. It can be a constant value or a cell reference. [dv]: (optional) present value or capital of the investment or loan. If omitted, it is assumed to be 0. [type]: (Optional) Specifies whether payments are made ...
nper is the total number of repayment (so if monthly loan repayment over 4 years, these are 4 x 12 = 48 repayments)Pv is the loan amount (here present value or also known as the principal)Fv is the future value (optional, you can leave it and Excel will assume you repay the full...