auth=1 1.选择表格 Ctrl + A 2.点击“合并单元格” 取消单元格合并 3.这时原来合并的单元格就只有第一行有值,剩下的为空。 4.这时选择整个表格, 按 CTRL + G 5.点击弹出对话框左下角的Special... 6.选择Blanks 7.输入=,然后按上箭头。 8.按CTRL + ENTER 对所有选中的单元格进行操作。 9.(当然,...
Hi,I am trying to copy a file that filtered in column J and merged some cells.The windows has shown a error "We can't do that to a merged cell"This message...
Normally, you may try to apply the Find and Replace function to select all merged cells first, and then press Delete key to delete the value, however, you will get a warning message "We can’t do that to a merged cell". In this case, how do you clear the values in merged cells ...
合併儲存格 C1 和 D1、C2 和 D2,以及 C3 和 D3,使 C 欄大小 (合併) 與 A/B 欄一致。 然後選取儲存格 A1:D3,然後使用統一範圍大小重複步驟 3 和 4。 意見反應 此頁面對您有幫助嗎? YesNo 提供產品意見反應 其他資源 訓練 認證 Microsoft Office Specialist: Excel (Office 2016) - Certifications ...
Want toopen an Excel filebut can’t for some reason? This could be due to theExcel versionyou have. In our Digital Guide article, we explain how you can work around this problem. How to combine cells using the “&” sign Another way to combine cell content into a merged cell is to...
Reasons why Cells don’t Merge in an Excel Table 1- Cells are within the Excel Table: To merge cells in a table, we need to convert it into a simple range. 2- The Worksheet is Protected: To unprotect the worksheet and merge cells, go to Review > Protect > Unprotect Sheet. 3- The...
Sort data with merged cells by Kutools for Excel Sort data with merged cells by unmerging all cells first You can unmerge all merged cells at first, then go ahead to sort the list. Please do as follows. 1. Select the list with merged cells you need to sort, then clickHome>Merge & ...
However, it's often desirable to use one of the other paste options, such as Paste Values or Paste Formulas in case you don't want all the formatting that goes along with it. This request is to provide an option so that we can choose which paste behavior is the default. 我们正在调查...
1. Select the contiguous cells that you want to combine. 2. On the"Home"page tab> Alignment group, click the Connect and Center (... see Image-2 Point 1 to 4) In this example, we have a list of fruits in cell A1 and we want to merge them with a few blank cells to the right...
Select all the cells that may contain merged cells. You can use the shortcut key Ctrl + A for this. Then, press Ctrl + H. On the Find and Replace prompt, clickFormatin the Find what field. Next, select the Alignment tab. Under the Text control section, uncheck all the options excep...