如果值大于条件格式的另一个单元格,则突出显示单元格 要突出显示其值大于同一行中另一列中的值的单元格,条件格式在 Excel 中可以帮你一个忙。 1. 选择要突出显示的数据列表,然后单击首页>条件格式>新规则,请参见屏幕截图: 2。 在开新格式规则对话框: 点击使用公式来确定要格式化的单元格来自选择规则类型列表框...
$F$5:$F$14→ is the lookup array where the value will be searched. E5→ contains the value to be searched. $F$5:$F$14→ is the condition using which the values greater than the lookup value will be stored. If the condition is not met,FALSEwill be stored. ...
Now, let's consider a scenario where you need to determine Evelyn's class. You may have noticed that the class column is positioned to the left of the name column, a situation that exceeds the capabilities of another powerful Excel lookup function, VLOOKUP. ...
Excel would do a vertical lookup that returns the matching value from one column to the desired cell. For example, rather than showing a voter was 28, I would define them as “Young.” Using VLOOKUP to determine voter Age Segments Let’s refer to the screenshot above with my first ...
XLOOKUP() is a new, more powerful version of VLOOKUP(). It's simpler, faster, and more flexible. The reasons why XLOOKUP() is more optimal than VLOOKUP() are as follows: Search columns and rows combine VLOOKUP() and HLOOKUP() for a more comprehensive search. ...
=VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup]) Here, lookup_value:Value that is to be searched table_array:Range of cells where data is to be searched col_index_num:Column from where data is to be fetched range_lookup:This is an optional argument, which takes TRUE...
Way 3. Using Vlookup Function (for Matches) The VLOOKUP function is the easiest function to compare the values of two columns and you can use it for the above example easily. It stands for "Vertical Lookup" and is used to search for a value in the leftmost column of a table and ret...
The format of the VLOOKUP function is as follows: =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup]) VLOOKUP function: What do the arguments mean? lookup_value is the value you are looking for. table_array is the table array or database to be searched. col_index_num ...
When we use the array form of the LOOKUP function, the LOOKUP function acts based on the array dimensions. Your array looks taller which means it has more rows than columns. The LOOKUP will behave like the VLOOKUP function in that case. If your array is wider, it will work like the H...
1. Lookup value exceeds 255 characters Please be aware that VLOOKUP cannot look up values containing more than 255 characters. If your lookup values exceed this limit, a #VALUE! error will be displayed: Solution: Use an INDEX MATCH formula instead. In our case, this formula works perfectly:...