Enter =VLOOKUP(B2,Sheet2!$A$2:$C$10,3,FALSE). Here's a breakdown of the modified table array: Sheet2!: This is the name of the spreadsheet that contains the given cell range. Note: to reference another worksheet, input [name of sheet]!. If your sheet name contains spaces or non...
To begin troubleshooting, I temporarily put the tables side by side on the worksheet, to do a visual check. Maybe there are typos that can be fixed quickly.All 3 codes are in the Category lookup table VLOOKUP formula can't find the matching codes correctly.A2. Formula Check for Exact ...
To retrieve values from another worksheet, use the following steps: Cell C2 should be selected and clicked. Insert the following formula:=VLOOKUP(B2,Sheet 2!$D$2:$E$6,2,0) Enter formula By clicking and dragging the small "+" button at the bottom-right of the cell, you ...
A built-in Excel function known as VLOOKUP is classified as a Lookup/Reference Function. Moreover, Excel has a spreadsheet tool for it (WS). Additionally, as a worksheet function, the VLOOKUP function can be included in a formula in a worksheet cell. VLOOKUP in Excel may sound complicated,...
表达式。VLookup (Arg1、 Arg2、 Arg3、 Arg4) 表达 一个代表 WorksheetFunction 对象的变量。参数展开表 名称必需/可选数据类型说明 Arg1 必需 Variant Lookup_value - 要在表数组的第一列中搜索的值。 Lookup_value 可以是一个值,也可以是一个引用。 如果lookup_value小于table_array第一列中的最小值, 则...
To fix the #REF! Error in Excel, a few troubleshooting methods can be employed. For instance, if the error stems from a broken vlookup formula, you could manually check the cell references and ensure that the correct range or table array is used. ...
You can use the VLOOKUP function to find data in a lookup table, based on a specific value. If you enter a product number in an order form, you can use a VLOOKUP formula to find the matching product name or price. See how to use Excel VLOOKUP in different ranges. NOTE: The examples...
public object VLookup (object Arg1, object Arg2, object Arg3, object Arg4); 参数 Arg1 Object Lookup_value - 要在表数组的第一列中搜索的值。 Lookup_value 可以是一个值,也可以是一个引用。 如果 lookup_value 小于 table_array 的第一列中的最小值,则 VLOOKUP 返回 #N/A 错误值。 Arg2 Objec...
Using this formula, if no error occurs in the VLOOKUP, Excel executes it two times. Starting in Excel 2007, you can avoid this duplication of calculation time by using IFERROR.Copy =IFERROR(VLOOKUP("Charles",$A$1:$C$10000,3,False),"NotFound") ...