You can develop a macro that works with different data in different circumstances, using custom dialog boxes (UserForm). The following macro changes the text of a selected cell range to uppercase. But if the cell range has a formula, the macro does not change it. VBA’s built-inStrConvfun...
Add a command button in theToolboxand name itAdd Image. Double-click the button and enter the followingVBAcode. Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Set Pic = UserForm3.Controls.Add("Forms.Image.1") With Pic 'Load Chart as a Picture to Image Control .Picture = LoadPicture("C:\Exceldemy\...
.List = Array("Apple","Orange","Banana") .List=split(str,",") '通过分隔符把一个字符文本赋值给数组, str="A,B,C,D,E,F" End With
Chapter 15contains additional examples of more advanced UserForm techniques. Creating a UserForm “Menu” Sometimes, you might want to use a UserForm as a type of menu. In other words, the UserForm presents some options, and the user makes a choice. This section presents two ways to do this...
第一步:创建UserForm 首先,打开VBA编辑器,在“工程资源管理器”中找到对应的工作簿,点击右键,选择“插入” > “用户窗体”,这样,你就新建了一个名为UserForm1的窗体。 第二步:设计界面 创建好UserForm后,接下来就是设计用户界面。UserForm的设计过程就像是在画布上作画。你可以使用“工具箱”中的控件来构建界面,...
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() '给窗体添加最大化最小化 Dim hWndForm As Long Dim IStyle As Long hWndForm = FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", Me.Caption) IStyle = GetWindowLong(hWndForm, GWL_STYLE) IStyle = IStyle Or WS_THICKFRAME '还原 IStyle = IStyle Or WS_MINIMIZEBOX '最小化 IStyle...
UserForm1("Label0" & Cou).Caption = PA(Cou)Rows(Cnt).Hidden = False 方法/步骤 1 如下Excel中,是一份项目计划表,分别制定了项目、物流、生产、质量、财务等五个部门的项目进度,行数较多,维护记录不便;2 使用VBA代码编程,自定义窗体如下,以项目部为基准模板,下拉列表;3 下拉列表选择Logistic后,...
Excel中VBA userform data process自定义窗体处理数据 汇总表总览清单 明细表详细清单 汇总数据与明细数据有机切换、读写 存放当前选中记录所在的行编号 RowValue文本框 Ro = ActiveCell.Row UserForm?("TextBox?").Value 方法/步骤 1 如下的Excel是一份关于供应商采购订单、送货明细、开票详情等的汇总报表;2 显然...
This chapter teaches you how to create an Excel VBA Userform. The Userform we are going to create looks as follows:
'由于这个Button在UserForm内所以不能像上一个Button一样直接写事件控制 '这个Button的事件必须用VBA代码控制 strModuleSnippet = "private sub frmbtn1_Click()" & Chr(13) & _ "Msgbox ""Hello World"" " & Chr(13) & _ "frmbtn1.Caption = ""This is a Test""" & Chr(13) & "end sub" ...