Check if Cell is Empty Check if Cell Contains Specific Text Check if cell contains text If Goto Delete Row if Cell is Blank If MessageBox Yes / No VBA If, ElseIf, Else in Access VBA VBA If Statement If Then VBA If Statements allow you to test if expressions are TRUE or FALSE, runnin...
In VBA, you must use the ISEMPTY function. Here is an example of how to test whether a worksheet cell is empty using the ISEMPTY function: Sub TestCellA1() 'Test if the value is cell A1 is blank/empty If IsEmpty(Range("A1").Value) = True Then MsgBox "Cell A1 is empty" End ...
其中计算用户指定的月份有多少天时,鉴于VBA自动日期转换的特点——将0日当做上月最后一天处理,所以程序利用DateSerial函数将下月0日转换成本月最后一天的日期序列,最后再用Day函数提取其天数,表示当月有多少天。 图2.4是Inputbox函数设置的对话框,让用户指定月份;而图31.5是批量创建的工作表。 图2.4 指定月份的录入框...
Dim cellContents As String Dim valLength As Integer cellContents = Trim(Str(Val(Target.Value))) valLength = Len(cellContents) If valLength <> 3 Then MsgBox ("Please enter a 3 digit area code.") Cells(9, "C").Select Else Cells(9, "C").Value = cellContents Cells(9, "D").Selec...
下面是VBA帮助中给出的一些示例代码。 下列表达式是等价的: [A1].Value=25 Evaluate(“A1”).Value=25 trigVariable=[SIN(45)] trigVariable=Evaluate[“SIN(45)”] Set firstCellInSheet =Workbooks("BOOK1.XLS").Sheets(4).[A1] S...
2.可以在VBA中使用更多的工作表函数 在VBA中,通过WorksheetFunction对象可以使用很多在VBA中没有与之等价的工作表函数,但仍有一些工作表函数不能在VBA中使用。然而,通过Evaluate方法却可以在VBA中使用这些函数,或者是工作表数组公式。 例如,由于VBA有等效的IsEmpty函数提供了工作表函数ISBLANK相同的功能,因此不能通过Work...
1.按 Alt + F11 打开Excel的VBA编辑器。2.在“插入”菜单中选择“模块”,插入一个新模块。3.在模块中粘贴以下代码:Function CountColoredCells(rng As Range, color As Range) As LongDim cell As RangeDim colorCode As LongDim count As LongcolorCode = color.Interior.Colorcount = 0For Each cell In...
public class ExcelServiceFacade { ... public void OpenWorkbook() { if (this.SessionID.Equals(String.Empty)) { Status[] status = null; this.Excel.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; this.m_SessionID = this.Excel.OpenWorkbook( m_Url, CULTURE, CULTURE, out status); ...
CELL(depending on its arguments) SUMIF(depending on its arguments) Both the VBA and C API support ways to inform Excel that a user-defined function (UDF) should be handled as volatile. By using VBA, the UDF is declared as volatile as follows. ...
Excel Easy #1 Excel tutorial on the net Excel Introduction Basics Functions Data Analysis VBA 300 Examples Ask us Test a Selection in Excel VBA This program in Excel VBA uses the Count property, IsNumeric function, IsEmpty function and Intersect method to test a selection. Situation: Place a ...