this error occurs. “Run-time error “438”: Object doesn’t support this property or method” indicates that the referring object doesn’t support the property or method when executing the Excel VBA.
I am using MSO Access 2013, and writing some code to open the file dialog for the user to select an Excel file to import information in to a table in the database. I get the Runtime error, and not exactly sure why. Would anyone kindly help with this situation? The code is as foll...
I am getting a 'Run-time error '438' - Object doesn't support this property or method' on one of the sub-routines which creates a chart. The macro runs fine when executing from my computer, but gives out the run-time error from another machine. The line where is fau...
应该是Object doesnt support this property or method,可以附上代码共同研究学习。
I want to automate the opening of files in TDMS format using VBA. Unfortunately I encounter a runtime error '-2147467259 (80004005)' linked to the use of an add-in which can only be connected by an administrator. I used this code : Dim obj As COMAddIn Se
Excel VBA是一种用于自动化Excel操作的编程语言。当尝试将值设置为范围时出现错误1004时,通常表示代码中存在问题,可能是以下几个原因之一: 1. 范围错误:请确保代码中指定的范围是有效的...
Hello. I have a very simple code in VBA that inexplicably fails in the immediate window. The code is: prettyprint Workbooks.Open FileName:="C:\Users\myuser\Documents\workbook1.xls", UpdateLinks:=False, ReadOnly:=True ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:="C:\Users\myuser\Documents\workbook2.xlsx...
我们导出Excel,大抵是有两种方法,一种是在服务器端用一些类库或者COM组件直接生成Excel成品,其二是在后台只写入数据,而不写入具体格式,等用户下载完Excel之后再在客户端上利用vba生成Excel成品。 1.1使用“自动化”功能-后台生成成品 微软把后台使用COM组件称之为“自动化”,其实它本身是不建议这种用法,在257757 号文...
做了几个月的Excel VBA,总结了一些常用的代码,我平时编程的时候参考这些代码,基本可以完成大部分的工作,现在共享出来供大家参考。 说明:本文为大大佐原创,但部分代码也是参考百度得来。 初始化 Dim rng As Range, first_row, last_row, first_col,last_col,i, path As String ...
Excel runtime error 1004 is the common and annoying error that users face while using Microsoft Excel. This article provides solutions to resolve the runtime errors.