幸运的是,Excel的VBA有一个内置的RegExp对象,可以在代码中使用它,如下所示: Public Function RegExpMatch(input_range As Range,pattern As String, Optional match_case As Boolean = True) As Variant '存储结果的数组 Dim arRes() As Variant '源单元格区域中当前行索引值 '源单元格区域中当前列索引值 '...
正则表达式在VBA环境下的应用非常广泛,可以用来快速地实现字符串的匹配、查找、替换等操作。以下是正则表达式在VBA中的一些常见应用:创建正则表达式对象 要在VBA中使用正则表达式,需要先创建一个RegExp对象,然后设置该对象的属性来定义要匹配的模式。在VBA中创建RegExp对象的代码如下:Dim reg As New RegExp 设置...
regex.Pattern = "正则表达式模式" ' 目标字符串 Dim targetString As String targetString = "目标字符串" ' 执行正则表达式匹配 Dim match As Object Set match = regex.Execute(targetString) ' 处理匹配结果 If match.Count > 0 Then ' 匹配成功 Dim result As String result = match.Item(0).Value '...
函数代码:Function GetNum(str As String, Optional MatchType As Integer = 0, Optional MatchLen As Integer = 0) '函数参数2个,默认为0,表示提取所有数字, 'MatchType,匹配类型,如果为0,表示提取所有数字,忽略第二参数,如果不为0,表示匹配第n个符合条件的元素 'MatchLen,匹配长度,指定提取...
Dim regEx As Object Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")更详细的教程,大家可以在网上搜搜,...
What can i do to find and replace exact matches? Obviously i'm pretty elementary in vba. :-( Sub replace() Worksheets(1).Range("F:F").replace What:="live: ", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False ...
Public Function test() Dim regEx As Object, regexMatch As Object, regexMatches As Object ...
RegEx = Match.ValueExitForNextMatchEndFunction 效果如图 vba 正则表达式选项 Pattern: 匹配模式字符串. IgnoreCase: 忽略大小写. Global:全局匹配,True 会匹配多个,False仅匹配一个就结束. Multi-Line: 多行 vba 正则表达式方法 Test: 字符串是否有比配. ...
MatchContent = "Not Matched" End If IsStringDate = regEx.Test(strDate) End Function Sample Code(后期绑定): Function ExtractNumber(str As String) As String Dim regEx As Object Set regEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") ' 后期绑定