ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").TableRange2.Clear End Sub VBA删除所有透视表:Delete All Pivot Tables Sub DeleteAllPivotTables() 'PURPOSE: Delete all Pivot Tables in your Workbook 'SOURCE: Dim sht As Worksheet Dim pvt As PivotTable 'Loop Through Each Pivot Tabl...
查来查去发现只能用VBA实现了。 具体代码如下: PublicSubFilterPivotTable()DimORG ORG= ActiveSheet.PivotTables("数据透视表6").PivotFields("[BRANCH_DBVIN].[ORGNAME].[ORGNAME]").CurrentPageNameWithActiveSheet.PivotTables("数据透视表12").PivotFields("[BRANCH_DBVIN].[ORGNAME].[ORGNAME]") .Curren...
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").TableRange2.Clear EndSub VBA删除所有透视表:Delete All Pivot Tables SubDeleteAllPivotTables() 'PURPOSE: Delete all Pivot Tables in your Workbook 'SOURCE: DimshtAsWorksheet DimpvtAsPivotTable 'Loop Through Each Pivot Table In Currently...
In Excel 2000 and above, before creating a pivot table you need to create a pivot cache to define the data source. Normally when you create a pivot table, Excel automatically creates a pivot cache without asking you, but when you need to use VBA, you need to write a code for this. '...
事先设定好范围 这个范围的列和行通过参数来判断 Set DataRng = Range("A1:D" & zuidazhi)Set ptcache = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=DataRng)Sheets.Add Sheets("Sheet1").Select Set pt = ptcache.CreatePivotTable(tabledestination:=Sheets("Sheet1")...
FullName '获取当前活动工作簿的完全路径 With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).PivotCache '替换数据透视表中缓存信息中的文件完全路径 .Connection = VBA.Replace(strCon, iStr, iPath).CommandText = VBA.Replace(.CommandText, iStr, iPath)End With End Sub ...
支援和意見反應 有關於 Office VBA 或這份文件的問題或意見反應嗎? 如需取得支援服務並提供意見反應的相關指導,請參閱Office VBA 支援與意見反應。 意見反應 此頁面對您有幫助嗎? YesNo
PivotTable 对象 方法 属性 PivotTableChangeList 对象 PivotTables 对象 PivotValueCell 对象 PlotArea 对象 Point 对象 Points 对象 ProtectedViewWindow 对象 ProtectedViewWindows 对象 Protection 对象 PublishObject 对象 PublishObjects 对象 Queries 对象 QueryTable 对象 ...
Create an Excel pivot table To create an Excel PivotTable you need a range filled with data or a table. In this sample, I pass a table to use as the basis of the pivot table. I prefer to work with tables as they are cleaner and more structured (as compared to ranges). ...
Chart Name:It is the name of the chart. It is used in writing VBA code and is also in the selection pane. It is available in Excel 2010 and later. Options:PivotTable Options dialog box will be displayed where you can set Layout & Format, set to show/hide grand total, setting sort ...