首先,需要确保已经安装了Microsoft Office套件,并且在Excel中启用了VBA功能。 在Excel中,按下Alt+F11键打开VBA编辑器。 在VBA编辑器中,可以使用以下代码来打开sharepoint文件夹中的特定Excel文件: 代码语言:vba 复制 Sub OpenSharepointExcelFile() Dim SharePointFolder As String Dim ExcelFileName As Strin...
以方便日后使用 写成两个函数 【函数一】:打开文件夹对话框,多选文件,确定,返回文件列表数组 【...
第一、开发原因: 某些时候Sharepoint列表的操作并不方便,比如数据量大,需要批量处理数据的时候。通过服务器代码有太多限制,比如智能通过B/S发送给用户,速度慢且影响服务器性能。 客户端代码同样有一些慢。 第二、具体界面: 第三具体代码: PrivateSubGetListBut_Click()OnErrorGoToErrorHandler Application.ScreenUpdating...
When I open the file from SharePoint, there is no Read-Only active: When I open it with the VBA code, Read-Only is activated, although I have ReadOnly:=False in my Workbooks.Open statement. How can I make this behave the way I want (so the file is opened in Excel without Read...
1. Open sharepoint URL 2. right click on excel file and click save target as and give the local desktop path where I want to save the file. I want to automate this. On a click of macro button/ running a macro this functionality should happen. The URL and the target path where file...
ActiveWorkbook.ChangeFileAccess Mode:=xlReadWrite,WritePassword:="mypass"elseActiveWorkbook.ChangeFileAccessMode:=xlReadOnly End If End With ' had yettobe addedendsub ...is also new water for me VBA with Sharepoint🙂 NikolinoDE Well Nikolino, ...
使用Sharepoint定时运行Excel中宏程序 需求: 因为Excel中数据量很大,其中包含了几个宏程序从其他数据源读取数据,运行一次宏需要比较长的时间,为了不影响使用,要求每天半夜运行一次Excel中的宏(无参数),Excel存放在共盘上。 解决方案: Sharepoint上写了一个Timejob,Timejob每天去运行宏。
1. Open sharepoint URL 2. right click on excel file and click save target as and give the local desktop path where I want to save the file. I want to automate this. On a click of macro button/ running a macro this functionality should happen. The URL and the target path where file...
EXcel高级技巧:VBA 宏——Application对象 Application对象代表整个Microsoft Excel应用程序,带有175个属性和52个方法,可以设置整个应用程序的环境或配置应用程序。 示例01-01:体验开/关屏幕更新(ScreenUpdating属性) Sub 关闭屏幕更新() MsgBox "顺序切换工作表Sheet1→Sheet2→Sheet3→Sheet2,先开启屏幕更新,然后关闭...