Excel VBA: Add Hyperlink to Cell in Another Sheet (Quick View) SubHyperlink_with_Hyperlink_Property()Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D4").Hyperlinks.Add_Anchor:=Range("D4"),_Address:="www.exceldemy.com",_TextToDisplay:="Site Address"EndSub Visual Basic Copy Here are 2 ways to add a hy...
1 如下的Excel中,有几个超链接单元格,分别链接了不同的其他Excel地址,点击即可自动打开;2 假设链接地址改变了,如何使用VBA代码编程实现自动更新,如下VBA代码1st;3 如下VBA代码2nd;4 如下VBA代码3rd;5 如下VBA代码4th;6 如下VBA代码5th;7 如下VBA代码6th以及变更后的链接;
Follow Selection.Hyperlinks(1).DeleteEnd SubmyClick代码会先尝试有没有手工输入的链接,如果能正确执行就结束,如果不能,尝试取得公式,如果公式中没有”http://“(你可以自己定义你自己的超链接关键字符串),也会结束,否则,会按照hyperlink函数的结构取得超链接,并为Selection临时添加超链接并执...
Method 1 – Embed VBA to Add Hyperlinkfrom a Different Worksheet to a Cell Value in the Active Sheet Let’s consider the following dataset: In our workbook, we have the value “Click here to go to Sheet2” inCell B5ofSheet1. We’ll learn how to use VBA code to add a link toSheet...
方法一:运用VBA宏 打开包含超链接的Excel表格,按下Alt+F11键进入VBA编辑界面。在编辑界面中,选择“插入”菜单下的“模块”选项。将以下VBA代码复制并粘贴到新创建的模块中:Sub ReplaceLinks() Dim h As Hyperlink For Each h In ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks h.Address = Replace(h.Address, "old_domain....
修改成 With Worksheets(1).Hyperlinks.Add Range("E4"), "", "sheet2!F6"End With
版主的这个两个代码都可以!我的代码是简写的参数 .Hyperlinks.Add .Cells(n, 5), "#" & va & "!A1", , , va 出了问题吗?求版主给分析一下错误原因,我是根据这个 图上的说明来写参数的: 老师用的是前三个参数,我用的是前两个参数和最后一个参数。
The below example code will show you removing hyperlinks using Excel VBA. Code: Sub sbRemovingHyperLink() Range("A5").Hyperlinks.Delete End Sub Instructions: Open an excel workbook Press Alt+F11 to open VBA Editor Insert New Module Copy the above code and Paste in the code window ...
VBA code How to insert a hyperlink using the Excel Hyperlink feature The most common way to put a hyperlink directly into a cell is by using theInsert Hyperlinkdialog, which can be accessed in 3 different ways. Just select the cell where you want to insert a link and do one of the fol...
Re: Excel VBA to hyperlink in email body from cell reference you can try like Code: mypath = "\\" & environ("Computername") & mid(thisworkbook.path, 3) & "\" thisworkbook.sheets("sheet3").range("e17") debug.print mypath "Click on the link to open the file : " & _ "<...