首先,确保你的VBA代码位于一个已打开的Excel文件中,这个文件将作为“主”文件,用于运行代码并从另一个Excel文件中读取数据。 使用Workbooks.Open方法打开另一个Excel文件: 使用Workbooks.Open方法指定要打开的Excel文件的路径和文件名。例如: vba Dim sourceWorkbook As Workbook Set sourceWorkbook = Workbooks.Open("...
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet Dim anotherFileName As String anotherFileName = "E:\CSDN博客\VBA跨Excel读取数据\九九乘法表.xlsm" Set xlApp = New Excel.Application Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(anotherFileName) Set xlSheet = ...
We will use a sample Workbook named Product_Details and copy the data range (B4:E10) to another Workbook. Method 1 – Copy a Sheet Data from Another Workbook without Opening with Excel VBA STEPS: Go to the Developer tab. Click on Visual Basic to open the Visual Basic Editor. (Note: ...
Open A Workbook from Current Workbook Just imagine a situation where you are working with two already opened workbooks. The workbook you are working on is named “Book 1,” and another open but not active workbook is named “Book 2.” Since we are working on “Book 1” to activate anothe...
What is Workbooks.Open In VBA, the Workbook.Open method is a part of the Workbooks collection object. It can be used to open a workbook in Excel from within another Excel file or a VBA project. The Workbook.Open method does not directly refer to an object but rather to an action perfor...
Sub copy_worksheet() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set Source_workbook = Workbooks.Open("D:\SOFTEKO\83-excel vba copy worksheet to another workbook without opening\Source.xlsm") Source_workbook.Sheets("Dataset").Copy Before:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1) Source_workbook.Close SaveChanges:=False Applic...
I have a template workbook shakeout.xltm - what I want to do when running my macro is: on click: open file dialog box which is at P:\data\misc It to pause while I pick the xlsx file I want to use (there will be new files each month, so I can't hard code the filename) ...
以下是通过VBA编写的程序,需要将这个程序放在工作簿1.xls中新建的模块里,然后运行就可以了。 Sub BatchCopyWorksheetFromAnotherWorkbook() Dim fso As Object Dim folderPath As String Dim file As Object Dim sourceWorkbook As Workbook Dim targetWorkbook As Workbook Dim targetWorksheet As Worksheet Dim source...
VBA code to transfer the excel file into another open workbook Hi Masters, I badly need your help in the data that extracted from website. I got the codes working already except how to transfer the exported data in an open workbook where to copy the data. In ...
Method 8 – Use VBA Code to Copy a Range to Last Row of Another Workbook We’llCopya range from theDataset2sheet toSheet1ofBook2but from the first non-blank cell. Open theVBAeditor. InsertaModule. Insert the following code in the openedModule. ...