1 点击“开发工具”选项卡,打开Visual Basic,添加一个模块和过程“test”。2 在过程中添加GetOpenFilename方法(通过Application来找到此方法)。3 执行以上代码后,在Excel中会弹出一个选择文件的对话框。4 GetOpenFilename方法可返回所选择文件的路径:执行方法后,选择上图中的Excel文件,在A1单元格中返回文件所...
To open a workbook using VBA, you need to use the “Workbook.Open” method and specify the path of the file (make sure to specify the full path to the workbook with name and extension file type). This method has a total of fifteen optional arguments which you can use to deal with di...
在VBA中,通过GetOpenFilename方法可以设计一个与此类似的功能。 1. 点击“开发工具”选项卡,打开Visual Basic,添加一个模块和过程“test”。 2. 在过程中添加GetOpenFilename方法(通过Application来找到此方法)。 3. 执行以上代码后,在Excel中会弹出一个选择文件的对话框。 4. GetOpenFilename方法可返回所选择文...
In addition to help you open workbooks using VBA, the Application.GetOpenFilename method allows you to specify the paths and names of particular Excel workbooks. You'll likely encounter situations where knowing this (how to allow the user to specify a path and filename) can come in handy. ...
下面的代码打开工作簿excelvba81.xlsm。 Sub testWBOpen() Workbooks.OpenFilename:="I:\09. Excel\01.解读Excel VBA\Excel VBA解读(81):工作表事件示例\excelvba81.xlsm" End Sub 打开后的工作簿excelvba81.xlsm成为当前工作簿。 示例代码2:...
In Outlook vba, I want to check a cell value in an excel file. I used the below code for opening the excel. Application.Workbooks.Open ("Excel File path") But i am getting "Runtime Error = 438 (Object doesn't support this property or method)" Can anyone help on the above issue ...
在上一篇文章中,我们介绍了一下GetOpenFilename方法的参数设置,其中涉及到文件多选MultiSelect这一参数。 走出幽谷:Excel VBA系列之GetOpenFilename方法的参数设置3 赞同 · 2 评论文章 以下是对此参数进一步的详解。 1. 当设置文件多选MultiSelect参数为TRUE后,选中多个文件后,GetOpenFilename方法返回的会是一个数组对...
做了几个月的Excel VBA,总结了一些常用的代码,我平时编程的时候参考这些代码,基本可以完成大部分的工作,现在共享出来供大家参考。 说明:本文为大大佐原创,但部分代码也是参考百度得来。 初始化 Dim rng As Range, first_row, last_row, first_col,last_col,i, path As String ...
VBA Code to Open an Excel File using Workbooks.Open Method: Syntax Here is the syntax to Open an Excel File using VBA. Here we need to pass the Workbook path to open. Workbooks.Open("C:temptest.xlsx") VBA Code to Open an Excel File using Workbooks.Open Method: Examples ...