Example 2 – VBA InputBox with Options Steps: Open the code module like in the previous example. Enter the following code into the module. Sub InputBox_with_Options() Dim S_name As String, Msg1 As String, Msg2 As String, Msg3 As String, Box_Title As String, Box_Default As String ...
在消息框中显示信息,并等待用户单击按钮,可返回单击的按钮值(比如“确定”或者“取消”)。通常用作显示变量值的一种方式。 2、语法 MsgBox(Prompt[,Buttons][,Title][,Helpfile,Context]) 参数说明: (1)Prompt,必需的参数,为字符串,作为显示在消息框中的消息文本。其最大长度约为1024个字符,由所用字符的宽度...
Excel VBA: InputBox Type (Based on Value of Data Type) Application.InputBoxhas 7 variable types. Type 0 – InputBox with Formula Type 0is used for aformulain theApplication.InputBox. This is the first type of InputBox in Excel VBA. When a user definesType 0, then the user must inpu...
findinputboxsearchtext stringvba Replies: 8 Forum:Excel Questions B Macro code changing date format Hi to all of you, I have an excel sheet with an Inputbox, where i'm asker to put the number of the month, the year and a third value. Problem is, it was working as intended during ...
VBA 基础知识 任务VBA代码 子程序声明 子例程的子名称() 结束子程序 结束子 留言箱 MsgBox“消息文本” 输入框变量名=InputBox(“提示文本”) 评论 ' 评论文本 打开工作簿工作簿.打开“路径\文件名.xlsx” 关闭工作簿ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True 寻找范围(“A1:B10”).查找(“搜索文本”).选择 范围...
VBA常用技巧目录第 6 章 使用对话框 2技巧1使用Msgbox 函数 2技巧2自动关闭的消息框 9技巧3使用InputBox函数 11技巧4使用InputBox方法 15技巧5内置对话框 18技巧 6 调用操作系统 关于 对话框 25第
Create a pop up message box in Excel using VBA Macros This allows you to show a message to the user and to get input back depending on which buttons were clicked in the pop up message To output a mess ...
In other words, Microsoft Excel, along with VBA, makes for an excellent environment for simple development projects. And writing a simple computer game makes for an excellent introduction to that environment. To show you what we mean, we've created a simple word game, which we've dubbed Word...
copy & formula vba & vba & conditions vlook up vlook up problem Replies: 1 Forum: Excel Questions U VBA: Unhide Sheet depending on cell value Hello Gurus, I am trying to create a macro where in if the cell value in the MAIN sheet matches one with the hidden sheet name, macro ...
Create a Message Box with VBA : MsgBox Using VBA you can create a message box informing the user of something or asking him to perform something. The Message Box is a dialog box create in Excel VBA and it looks like all the message boxes you have ever seen. For example here. This ...