一、VBA If语句的基本结构 VBA的if语句的语法基本结构如下: If condition Then [statement1] [Else [statement2]] End If 其中: condition:为表达式,表达式的值可以为True或False; statement1:如果条件condition为True,那么执行该语句; statement2:如果条件condition为False,那么执行该语句,它是可选的。 二、VBA ...
VBA中最常用的条件语句是If语句,它可以根据一个或多个条件的结果来判断执行哪一段代码。 If语句的基本语法格式如下: ```vba If条件Then '这里是要执行的代码 ElseIf条件Then '这里是要执行的代码 Else '这里是要执行的代码 End If ``` 其中,条件可以是一个逻辑表达式,如果满足条件则执行对应的代码块,否则...
The statements that I use more often in my VBA Excel macros are: If..Then..End If, Do...Loop, For...Next and Select Case If..Then...End If When there is only one condition and one action, you will use the simple statement: ...
Excel VBA IF THEN Statement is one of the most useful statements in VBA. In this tutorial, you’ll quickly learn how to work with the IF, THEN, ELSE, ELSEIF as well as the AND statements. This way you can write Excel macros that are dependent on multiple conditions. We also take a...
For example, based on the criteria, it returns one predetermined value if the condition is found to be true and a different predefined value if the statement is found to be false. The IF Statement is sometimes referred to as the IF THEN ELSE statement. ...
From here, you need to write anIF THEN ELSEstatement to match the name of the sheet with the name that you have entered in the input box, and then show a message box if match found and exit the procedure. In the end, amessage boxto inform you if there’s no match found. ...
1)简单介绍三种形式的条件判断语句:if、else if、elseif:if(表达式)执行语句if:判断表达式内容,如果为true(真),就执行语句else if:if(表达式)执行语句else if(表达式1)执行语句1...(很多的else if)else if(表达式m)执行语句melse if:如果if的判断没有通过,则进行下面的else if,如果当前的else if判断通过,...
在代码窗口中,可以编写VBA代码。 在代码窗口中,找到需要添加elseif语句的位置,并在该位置编写elseif语句。 下面是一个示例,演示如何在Excel中使用VBA添加elseif语句: 代码语言:txt 复制 Sub AddElseIfStatement() Dim value As Integer value = 10 If value < 5 Then MsgBox "Value is less than 5."...
57 Excel VBA - If Elseif Else Statement SubIF_test3()IfRange("a2").Value<=35ThenRange("c2").Value="Fail"ElseIfRange("a2").Value<=60ThenRange("c2").Value="C Grade"ElseIfRange("a2").Value<=80ThenRange("c2").Value="B Grade"ElseRange("c2").Value="A Grade"EndIfEndSub ...
IfAgo >= 18Then Status = "Adult" Vote = "Yes" End If Note that in the multiple-line block case, End If statement is needed, where the single-line case does not. Return to Top of Page IF ... Then ... Else TheIf ... Then ... Elsestatement is used to define two blocks of ...