Excel VBA匹配函数返回错误2042 是指在使用VBA中的匹配函数(如VLookup、HLookup、Match等)时,无法找到匹配项所导致的错误。 这个错误代码代表的是“#N/A”(不适用)错误,在Excel中用于表示找不到匹配项。通常情况下,这可能是由于以下原因导致的: 数据未排序:如果在使用匹配函数时,数据范围没有按照要求的顺序进行排...
1回答 VBA类型错配-无法识别原因 、、、 在Excel中,我收到了一个类型错配错误,这是我一生无法解决的。 EmailCode3 = Evaluate("VLookup(Email_Type您看到的第一个条件是,EmailTemplate =“如何-To”可以正常工作,但是对于"PQW“,在分配变量EmailCode1时, 浏览7提问于2022-10-19得票数 1 ...
_ return_range As Range) As Variant Dim lookup_array As Variant Dim return_array As Variant Dim i As Long lookup_array = lookup_range.Value return_array = return_range.Value For i = 1 To UBound(lookup_array, 1) If lookup_array(i, 1) = lookup_value Then ...
Welcome to the Microsoft Excel 2003 VBA Language Reference Microsoft Excel Object Model What's New Concepts Reference Collections Objects Methods Properties Events Enumerations Microsoft Excel Constants Microsoft FrontPage (Page Object Model) Visual Basic Reference Microsoft FrontPage (Web Object Model) Visua...
Welcome to the Microsoft Excel 2003 VBA Language Reference Microsoft Excel Object Model What's New Concepts Reference Collections Objects Methods Properties Events Enumerations Microsoft Excel Constants Microsoft FrontPage (Page Object Model) Visual Basic Reference Microsoft FrontPage (Web Object Model) Visua...
Variant containing an error VT_ERROR VT_EMPTY Empty cells or omitted arguments You can check the type of a passed-in Variant in VBA using the VarType, except that the function returns the type of the range's values when called with references. To determine if a Variant is a Range refere...
简单方式需要使用VBA,如果要找的列较少时,可以用多个查找求和比如:=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B2,Sheet2!B:C,2,0),0)+IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B2,Sheet2!D:E,2,0),0)在B列、D列分别搜索日期,结果进行求和(找不到时当作0) 相关问答 如何在excel中查找包含某字段的文本,并返回该全部文本,或者返回该文本对应的数据。 1...
error ( or {4;6;error} ) In VBA, we get directly {4;6;error} returned in a variant type array of dimensions (1 to 3, 1 To 1) We also understand from the last aside that this_.. Evaluate("=M40:M42") _.. is a special case, and that we will get a Range object or ...
Len Sum VLOOKUP函数不是VBA函数,应写成 Application.WorksheetFunction .VLookup()或者Application.VLookup()...
for more information, see help context 65537 in c:\program files\microsoft office\office12\vbaxl10.chm. connect a signal to this slot: qobject::connect(sender, signal(somesignal()), object, slot(calculate())); or call the function directly: object->dynamiccall("calculate()"); void...