If Not wContinue("即将清除无效的工作表权限!") Then Exit Sub Dim oldPermission As String Dim newPermission As String Dim ws As Worksheet Dim wb As Workbook Set wb = ThisWorkbook For i = 1 To UBound(arrUser) oldPermission = arrUser(i, 4) If oldPermission <> "All" Then For Each ws ...
将IFERROR公式转换为VBA代码: 代码语言:txt 复制 Dim result As Variant result = Application.WorksheetFunction.IfError(YourFormula, ValueIfError) 其中,YourFormula是要计算的公式,ValueIfError是在计算出错时返回的值。这段代码将使用VBA的WorksheetFunction对象调用IfError函数,并将结果存储在result变量中。 将FIND公...
Dim filePath As String Dim crrWB As Workbook, dstWB As Workbook Dim dGsKey, dXmKey If Not ContinueProcedure() Then Exit Sub Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set crrWB = ThisWorkbook filePath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" iMonth = Me.CmbMonth SplitType = Me.CmbType '拆分类型:社保、公积、...
通过If…Then…Else语句可以判断当前单元格的值是否满足特定的条件。 三、错误处理与跳转 在编写VBA代码时,可能会遇到需要在条件不满足时跳过当前循环,处理下一个循环的情况,这时可以使用错误处理语句如On Error Resume Next,或者使用特定的标签和GoTo语句实现跳转。 四、实用示例 通过实际的示例可以更好地理解如何将这...
VBA Sub Excel_IFERROR_Function() 'declare a variable Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = Worksheets("IFERROR") 'apply the Excel IFERROR function ws.Range("D5") = Application.WorksheetFunction.IfError(Application.VLookup("d", ws.Range("B5:C7"), 2, False), "CHECK") ws.Range("D7") = App...
Excel VBA语法200句 [VBA] 语法200句 定制模块行为 (1) Option Explicit '强制对模块内所有变量进行声明 Option Private Module '标记模块为私有,仅对同一工程中其它模块有用,在宏对话框中不显示 Option CompareText '字符串不区分大小写 Option Base 1 '指定数组的第一个下标为1...
errors. You may have to use VBA code to change user-defined functions. One or more functions in this workbook are not available in earlier versions of Excel. When recalculated in earlier versions, these functions will return a #NAME? error instead of their current results. ...
=IF(ISERROR(A2/B2),0,A2/B2) IFERROR in Google Sheets The IFERROR Function works exactly the same in Google Sheets as in Excel: IFERROR Examples in VBA VBA does not have a built-in IFERROR Fucntion, but you can also access the Excel IFERROR Function from within VBA: Dim n as long...