一、VBA If语句的基本结构 VBA的if语句的语法基本结构如下: If condition Then [statement1] [Else [statement2]] End If 其中: condition:为表达式,表达式的值可以为True或False; statement1:如果条件condition为True,那么执行该语句; statement2:如果条件condition为False,那么执行该语句,它是可选的。 二、VBA ...
1)简单介绍三种形式的条件判断语句:if、else if、elseif:if(表达式)执行语句if:判断表达式内容,如果为true(真),就执行语句else if:if(表达式)执行语句else if(表达式1)执行语句1...(很多的else if)else if(表达式m)执行语句melse if:如果if的判断没有通过,则进行下面的else if,如果当前的else if判断通过,...
Unlike the Excel IF Statement, theVBA IF statementdoes not return any value when it evaluates a condition. If the condition evaluates to TRUE, the program executes the instructions inside the IF block. However, if the condition evaluates to FALE, the program skips to the next block after the...
Learn one of the most useful statements in VBA (or any programming language, really): If Then. Once you master If, Then, Else, Elseif and And, you will be able to write Excel macros that are dependent on multiple conditions.
在Excel内部打开VBA 以及在运行之前需要开启一下家开发人员的安全性 打开的页面可能是这样,不要慌 可以...
For more information about the If…Then statement, see the VBA Language Reference. (The full name is "If…Then…Else statement", whereElseis an optional component.) Variable Declarations Another improvement that you should make to the macro is to put a declaration of the myWorksheet variable ...
For more information about the If…Then statement, see the VBA Language Reference. (The full name is "If…Then…Else statement", whereElseis an optional component.) Variable Declarations Another improvement that you should make to the macro is to put a declaration of the myWorksheet variable ...
value_if_false END IF The third parameter in the Excel IF statement is equivalent to what an ELSE statement would return in many programming languages, but you can also use another IF statement as the third parameter. This structure means that you could create an IF statement, and then if ...
If you just want to write simple little applications Visual Basic for Applications ( VBA), the development language included with most Microsoft Office products, is often good enough. On top of that, if you write an application from scratch using C++ or C#, you'll have to figure out how...