Here you need to remember that you can activate only one cell at a time. Even if you specify a range with the “.Activate”method, it will select that range but the active cell will be the first cell of the range. 2. Enter a Value in a Cell By using the range property you can ...
The basic syntax of the VBA range command is as follows: Range(Cell 1. Cell 2) Where Cell 1 (required)= The actual range/cell to be acted on. This should be a specific cell name (“A1”) or a range of cells (“A1: A10”). Cell 2 (optional)= The top-left or bottom-right o...
使用Range(cell1, cell2) 可傳回Range物件,其中的cell1及cell2是Range物件,用來指定起始和終止位置的儲存格。 下列範例會設定儲存格 A1:J10 的框線線條樣式。 注意 請注意,如果前面的With陳述式的結果將套用於Cells屬性,則需要在每次出現Cells屬性前加一個句點。 在這種情況下,這表示儲存格於工作表 1 上 (若...
Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate'Can't select unless the sheet is activeSelection.Offset(3,1).Range("A1").Select 使用Union(range1, range2, ...) 可返回多区域范围,即返回由两个或更多连续单元格区域构成的范围。 下例创建一个定义为区域 A1:B2 和 C3:D4 的合并区域的对象,然后选择所定义的区域。
格式化代码 这些VBA代码将帮助您使用一些特定的条件和条件来格式化单元格和范围。 11. 从选择中突出显示重复项 Sub HighlightDuplicateValues() Dim myRange As Range Dim myCell As Range Set myRange = Selection For Each myCell In myRange If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(myRange, myCell.Value) > 1 Then...
通过突出显示备用行,您可以使数据易于读取,为此,您可以使用下面的VBA代码。它将简单地突出显示所选范围内的每一行。 21. 突出显示单词拼写错误的单元格 Sub HighlightMisspelledCells() Dim rng As Range For Each rng In ActiveSheet.UsedRange If Not Application.CheckSpelling(word:=rng.Text) Then rng.Style =...
Range("D10").Insert Shift:=xlToRight '在D10单元格处添加一新单元格,原D10格右移 Range("C2").Insert Shift:=xlDown '在C2单元格处添加一新单元格,原C2格下移 Rows(2).EntireRow.Insert '在第2行前添加一空白行,原第2行下移 Columns(3).EntireColumn.Insert '在C列前添加一空白列,原C列右移 ...
Function ConditionalColor(rg As Range, FormatType As String) As Long'Returns the color index (either font or interior) of the first cell in range rg. If no _conditional format conditions apply,Thenreturns the regular color of the cell. _ FormatTypeIseither "Font"Or"Interior" Dim cel As ...
Sub 过程名() i = 1 s = 0 '初始值为0可略 While i <= 100 s = s + i i =...
Range("A1") = 99 You can alsoDATEandNOW(VBA Functions) to enter a date or atimestampin a cell using a VBA code. Range("A1").Value = Date Range("A2").Value = Now And if you want to enter a value in the active cell then the code you need would be like: ...