打开Excel,并按下Alt + F11进入VBA编辑器; 在VBA编辑器中,点击插入菜单,然后选择模块; 在新建的模块中,输入以下代码: Sub GenerateUniqueRandomNumbers() Dim rng As Range Dim cell As Range Dim uniqueNumbers() As Variant Dim randomNumber As Double Dim i As Integer '设置随机数范围 Set rng = Range(...
首先当然也可以调用上面介绍的函数:RAND、RANDBETWEEN、RANDARRAY,例如你要在A1:A5中生成随机整数: Sub CreateRandomNumbers() Dim rng As Range For Each rng In ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A5") rng.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(1, 10) Next rng End Sub VBA 怎么生成唯一值的随机数?可以用字...
Call CreateNumbers(Range(BeCoolMachineRange), Range(BeCoolMachineCounter).Value) Private Sub CreateNumbers(Which As Range, HowMany As Integer) ' Declaration of variables Dim c As Range Dim iCheck As Long iCheck = 1 ' Generate random failures based on the number of required for e...
在Excel内部打开VBA 以及在运行之前需要开启一下家开发人员的安全性 打开的页面可能是这样,不要慌 可以...
Yes, you can use VBA to shuffle the order of a list in Excel. By writing a custom macro, you can loop through the list and rearrange the items randomly. VBA provides functions like "Rand()" to generate random numbers and "RandBetween()" to control the range of randomization. ...
In other words, Microsoft Excel, along with VBA, makes for an excellent environment for simple development projects. And writing a simple computer game makes for an excellent introduction to that environment. To show you what we mean, we've created a simple word game, which we've dubbed Word...
Sub GenerateRandomNumbers() Dim i As Integer ' Initialize the random number generator Randomize ' Loop to generate 20 random numbers For i = 1 To 20 ' Generate random numbers between 1 and 100 ' Write them to cells in column A Cells(i, 1).Value = Int(Rnd * 100) + 1 Next i End...
你想要的新的宏。按钮1,2,3,4分别是Generate,Check,Clear和Average Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()a = Selection.Row b = Selection.Column s = Cells(1, 1).Value Cells(a, b + 1).ClearContents Range(Cells(a, b), Cells(a + s, b)).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone For i ...
First/Last row/column of a range? Fitting a Power Curve to Data Fixed rows in pivot tables font size smaller when printed from Excel Form Controls stop working after December 2014 Updates Format for KB/MB/GB/TB Format Phone Number in VBA Formatting cells doesn't change the date in excel ...