在Excel VBA中,函数默认只能返回一个值。然而,有几种方法可以间接地实现函数返回多个值的效果。以下是几种常见的方法: 1. 使用数组 你可以定义一个数组来存储多个返回值,并在函数中填充这个数组。然后,你可以通过引用数组的不同元素来获取不同的返回值。 vba Function ReturnMultipleValues(value1 As Integer, valu...
如果您不想使用复杂的公式通过垂直查找返回多个值,可以考虑以下VBA代码。这段代码创建了一个名为 LookupMultipleValues 的用户定义函数。该函数只需要3个参数,使用起来很方便。 Function LookupMultipleValues(gTarget As String, gSearchRange As Range, gColumnNumber As Integer) Dim g As Long Dim k As String ...
如果您不想使用复杂的公式通过垂直查找返回多个值,可以考虑以下VBA代码。这段代码创建了一个名为 LookupMultipleValues 的用户定义函数。该函数只需要3个参数,使用起来很方便。 Function LookupMultipleValues(gTarget As String, gSearchRange As Range, gColumnNumber As Integer) Dim g As Long Dim k As String ...
解决方案 #2:使用 VBA 查找并返回多个值 如果您不想使用复杂的公式通过垂直查找返回多个值,可以考虑以下VBA代码。这段代码创建了一个名为 LookupMultipleValues 的用户定义函数。该函数只需要3个参数,使用起来很方便。 Function LookupMultipleValues(gTarget As String, gSearchRange As Range, gColumnNumber As Inte...
End Function VBA代码:Vlookup并将多个唯一匹配的值返回到一个单元格中 Function MultipleLookupNoRept(Lookupvalue As String, LookupRange As Range, ColumnNumber As Integer) 'Updateby Extendoffice Dim xDic As New Dictionary Dim xRows As Long Dim xStr As String ...
Function MyUDF(MakeMeVolatile As Boolean) As Double ' Good practice to call this on the first line. Application.Volatile MakeMeVolatile MyUDF = Now End Function By default, Excel assumes that VBA UDFs are not volatile. Excel only learns that a UDF is volatile when it first calls it. A ...
errors. You may have to use VBA code to change user-defined functions. One or more functions in this workbook are not available in earlier versions of Excel. When recalculated in earlier versions, these functions will return a #NAME? error instead of their current results. What...
In case of multiple matches in operations such as Update a row, Delete a row operations, only the first row will be updated/deleted. Changes committed by operations such as Create a row, Update a row, Delete a row do not always take affect immediately after successful response from a corre...
In case of multiple matches in operations such as Update a row, Delete a row operations, only the first row will be updated/deleted. Changes committed by operations such as Create a row, Update a row, Delete a row do not always take affect immediately after successful response from a corre...
How to count characters in Excel using the LEN function: step-by-step instructions In Excel, it can be useful to count the number of characters in each cell if the big picture gets lost in large amounts of data. To quickly and easily get an overview of the number of characters, you ...