Combination_Value = "Combination Value of arrays which show = 90: " We will apply aFor loopto go through the “MyArray” array elements from the lower bound to the upper bound. The “x” variable is used as the loop counter. For x = LBound(MyArray) To UBound(MyArray) We applied ...
方法/步骤 1 do loop相关的循环方法包括三种:a. do...loopb. do while...loopc. do until...loop本文将通过两种循环方法,对Excel数据进行整理,即do while...loop、do until...loop。2 第一种方法do while...loop:while:类型if语句,当满则某个条件时才进行循环操作。do while...loop 3 功能要求...
方法/步骤 1 1、do...Loop:循环语句,直至满足条件后退出。2 2、在VBE中编写代码:Sub doLoop()Dim a%Doa = a + 1If a > 10 Then Debug.Print ("a已经超过10了,该停止了!") Exit DoEnd IfLoopEnd Sub功能为:当a超过10时,将退出该程序。3 3、运行该代码,运行11次时,将输出a已经超过10...
In this article, we’ll use VBA to use the VLookup function, so it’ll be handy to get a brief overview of how it works. You can get the details of VLookup from here if you need them. The Syntax of the VLookup function is: VLookup(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lo...
如果您的工作簿中含 VBA 宏,请将这些模块从旧工作簿复制到新工作簿中。 选项3:将文件另存为不同的 Excel 文件类型 在“文件”菜单上,选择“另存为”。 在“保存类型”列表中选择一种与当前文件格式不同的文件格式。 如果您当前使用的是Microsoft Excel 2007或更高版本,请将该文件另存为.xlsx或.xlsm,而不...
Exit Do 通常与条件判断语句(如 If...Then )一起使用,将控制传递给紧随在 Loop 语句后面的语句。当用于嵌套 Do...Loop 中的时候,Exit Do 将控制传递给其所在循环的上一层嵌套循环。说到这里,我们在VBA使用的常用循环已经基本介绍完毕,那么什么是循环?其实循环是一种导致一部分程序代码重复执行的编程结构...
Loop Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub 代码截图: 代码讲解: 1) Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False 以上代码将关闭屏幕更新及例外信息提示,在程序结束后,要打开这个设置,值为true。
大概看了一眼,问题不是出在do 和loop,而是你的if语句,其中 Else If Right(Trim(Cells(4 + n, 1).Value), 2) = "发出" Then 这一段,不知道你是否想写成这样 ElseIf Right(Trim(Cells(4 + n, 1).Value), 2) = "发出" Then 或者想写成 Else If Right(Trim(Cells(4 + n, 1...
Loop5 macro shows how to use FOR loop to calculate the average. It also uses the same sample data used by other macros. We have used 15 as starting value as the sample data starts from the 15throw. We have used Range("A" & Cells.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row to find the last row ...
The Loop command allows users to go through a set of values in a statement or groups of statements and analyze each value individually. Rather than repeat a block of code multiple times, it enables users to write a few lines of code and achieve a significant output without the need to wri...