IF statement in VBA code is one of the most frequently used which allows you to make a choice. IF function in VBA is different when compared with EXCEL IF function i.e. in Excel IF function or formula checks whether the given condition or criteria evaluates to TRUE or FALSE and then ret...
TheVBAcode for this will be: ⧭ VBA Code: SubIf_Statement_Based_On_a_Range_of_Cells()Fori=1ToRange("C3:C12").Rows.CountIfRange("C3:C12").Cells(i,1).Value>=40ThenRange("D3:D12").Cells(i,1).Value="Passed"ElseRange("D3:D12").Cells(i,1).Value="Failed"EndIfNextiEndSub V...
Example 1 – Applying VBA Conditional IF Statement in Excel If-Thenis one of the most important control structures in VBA. With this construct, VBA applications can decide which statements to execute. The basic syntax of theIf-Thenstructure is: IfconditionThenstatements [Else elsestatements] If ...
End Sub Obviously thisSelect Casestatement will work in rare cases only when the expression of a case exactly match the value sought for. In reality, for this type of scenario, you could validate a range of values. The Visual Basic language provides an alternative. You can check whether the...
A Single IF statement SubTestIfDimxasIntegerx=10Ifx=10then'if x is 10, the condition is trueMsgBox xis10" Else 'if x is not 10, the condition is false Msgbox "xisnot10"EndIfEndSub Nested IFs Explained A Nested If allows you to put multiple conditions INSIDE each of the True and/...
MsgBox("The House Doesn't Match the Desired Criteria")End IfEnd Sub Here is an example of running the program: As done for the And operator, to make a logical disjunction easy to read, you can include each statement in parentheses: ...
excelif-statementvba 3 我在VBA方面遇到了巨大的问题。我想在VBA代码中编写以下语句:=IF(C5<>0;(D5/C5);" ") 但是以下代码会有问题: Cells(y_2, 5) = "=IF(C" & y_2 & "<>0;(D" & y_2 & "/C" & y_2 & ");"" "")" 代码出了问题,但我不知道具体是哪里出错了。y_2 被声...
Step 5:Always remember to close the with statement with an End statement. Code: SubExample1()WithRange("A1") .Value = 15End WithEnd Sub Step 6:Now, run this code by hitting the Run button or F5. VBA With – Example #2 In this example, we will see how to change one of the fon...
VBA Boolean operators Boolean value are either TRUE or FALSE.Similarly a condition can either evaluate to being TRUE (as in met) or FALSE (as in the condition is not met). VBA as other languages has a boolean variable type which you can equally use if yourIF-THEN-ELSE-STATEMENT. ...
循环语句允许多次执行语句或语句组。 以下是VBA中循环语句的一般形式。 1.5.1 For 循环 for循环是一种重复控制结构,它允许开发人员有效地编写需要执行特定次数的循环。 For counter = start To end [Step stepcount] [statement 1] [statement 2] ... [...