代码语言:vba 复制 Sub InsertExcelTableInEmailBody() Dim OutlookApp As Object Dim MailItem As Object Dim ExcelApp As Object Dim ExcelWorkbook As Object Dim ExcelWorksheet As Object Dim ExcelRange As Object ' 创建Outlook应用程序对象 Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") ' 创建...
VBA代碼:將一系列單元格作為圖像粘貼到電子郵件正文中: SubsendMail()DimTempFilePathAsStringDimxOutAppAsObjectDimxOutMailAsObjectDimxHTMLBodyAsStringDimxRgAsRangeOnErrorResumeNextSetxRg=Application.InputBox("Please select the data range:","KuTools for Excel",Selection.Address,,,8)IfxRgIsNothingThenExit...
I have VBA code converting my Excel file to PDF, attaching it in an email and then copying one sheet from my workbook into the email body. The sheet in my Excel contains a table and some text. I want to insert text in the body above and below my text/table pasted ...
You will be auto-generated to the outlook email application and can send the email with the multiple lines provided in the code to the multiple email addresses. VBA Code Explanation Sub MultipleRangesEmail() At first,name the sub-procedureof the macro. Dim iSubject As String Dim iSender As ...
I have a table in excel workbook's (sheet1), now i want to copy the table and paste it in email body. So far i have: prettyprint Dim olApp As Outlook.Application Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Dim msg As Object Range("Table1[#All]").Select Selection.Copy Set msg...
在VBA Excel邮件合并中跳过空记录,可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,需要定义一个用于存储邮件内容的字符串变量,例如"emailBody"。 2. 使用循环遍历数据源,可以是Excel表格中...
Could Save Pivot Table as template without data on Excel 2013? COUNTIF - Negative Condition Create a button in Excel for prforming a copy paste task Create a csv file using VBA or Macro Create a csv file with a list of files CSV file type blocked by File Block settings Cursor will not...
I'm trying to use this code on Excel from an forum to extract a table from an email and import it to Excel. However, I'm not experience with coding so, I...
SendKeys"{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}{Tab}",TrueSendKeys"^{End}",Truetablerng.Copy msg.GetInspector.Activate SendKeys"^V",TrueEndSub Edit1:+Edit2: Testing sendkeys with this code, where I stripped out most of the above code to focus on copying the desired range. This does n...
VBA code: Send email with HTML email body in Excel Sub SendEmailformattext() 'Update by Extendoffice.com Dim xRg As Range Dim xRgEach As Range Dim xRgVal As String Dim xAddress As String Dim xOutApp As Outlook.Application Dim xMailOut As Outlook.MailItem On Error Resume Next xAddress ...